Thursday, October 17, 2019

Policy and Assurance Term Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Policy and Assurance - Term Paper Example An Information Assurance (IA) policy is one of the mechanisms that an organization could use in order to achieve this. This paper will examine the issues in formulating such policy, including an overview of what IA is, the threats it aims to address, the ethics of developing certain rules that concerns rights issues, among other related variables. The United States Department of Defense defined Information Assurance as â€Å"the information operations that protect and defend information and information systems by ensuring the availability, integrity, authentication, confidentiality and nonrepudiation† including the provision for â€Å"restoration of information systems by incorporating protection, detection, and reaction capabilities.† (Boyce and Jennings 2002, p. xii)) This comprehensive definition underscores the breadth of the IA’s coverage. But the most important among its functions concern the treats to security which could come from many different areas including – but not limited to – intentional attacks and also from unintended acts that result from technical, organizational and individual mistakes. It is the human beings who use the information system – those who make decisions, who exploit it and use it – usually cause uncertainty and risks. According to a study Bidgoli (2006), attacks and threats to information systems within an organization are almost evenly split between those originating from the outside and those from the inside. (p. 4) This fact underscores how an Information Assurance policy must aim its operations towards both the outsider and insider attacks of all forms. In developing an organizational information assurance, the fundamental rule in Oliva’s mind, is to start within the enterprise architecture. (p. 32) The reason for this is that all organizations are founded in this framework - from the mission of the organization, how

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