Saturday, August 31, 2019

Influential Materialism on Cambodian Society Essay

One of the remarkable transitions in Cambodia began in 1993. It was the economic reform switching from planned-economic to open-free economic market. Since ever, Cambodia gradually boosts the national economy by allowing private possessions and foreign investment. This is a signal of democracy in the nation. To be a democratic country, such rights and freedom must be given to the masses. It is well-known that people want to be equal before the laws and live in a happy life. However, one barrier to newly democratic country—Cambodia—is the citizens. More than half of the Cambodian population is under a poverty line, meaning they are insufficient not only in property but also in education. This situation is not good enough for Cambodians to get influence from the world. Being connected with globalization, Cambodia demands a higher standard and a good quality of production. Among those marketing competition, the most attractive and popular product is high-tech materials. Again, the other half of population might be able to afford such materials in order to live in the society. The society is affected by materialism, which considers possessions more important than values, and its effects range from psychological to economic. Materialism is sometimes used as a status symbol, causing people to purchase items they cannot afford, simply to fit in with an affluent crowd, or to keep up with the people around them. Materialism, although a motivating force in today’s world economy, can erode value systems and affect a person’s overall happiness. Perhaps nobody knows exactly when materialism persists in Cambodian society. And not many Cambodians switch their attention on it. Materialism which is the new tendency can lead the society to face many possible negative consequences. That is, youths must understand what they are doing and decide whether or not stick with it. In today society, we have no doubt an emerging demographic of eager young adults flocking towards new motorbikes, mobile phones, and the newest in tech trends. But is there a lurking danger tacked on to this eagerness? This paper will take a closer look at the Cambodian youth’s tendency toward the new and modern materials, the reasons why youths want to possess the materials, the impact of the material challenges, and some solutions to modify the tendency. Definition Before going further, one key word in the paper will be illustrated. Materialism comes from the word material, so the first word to be explained is: According to Cambridge Advanced Learner’s Dictionary, there are four main meaning of material. First, material means a physical substance which things can be made from. Second, it means information used when writing something such as a book, or information produced in various forms to help people or to advertise products. Third, material means cloth which can be used to make things such as clothes. Finally, material means equipment that you need for a particular activity. The last definition seems the most appropriate meaning for the scope of the paper. In addition, materialism is defined as the belief that having money and possessions is the most important thing in life. Plus, materialism is a tendency to consider material possessions and physical comfort as more important than spiritual values. These are the definitions of the word â€Å"materialism† on which the paper will focus. Objective Writing is a fun thing but without any specific purpose, the writing seems nothing. Meanwhile, the paper has a few important objectives that might be helpful for other students and readers to find out about the current trend of Cambodian youths. The main purposes of the writing are: ïÆ' ¼Providing the historic background of Cambodian economy Offering the key definition of the term materialism Illustrating the current prominent issues in the society Showing the current trend of the youths toward modern high-price materials Elaborating the plausible causes of the new tendency Explaining probably bad and good impacts on the society Showcasing one effective solution The Presence of Materialism Cambodia is located in Southeast Asia and has an old history in the region. Since the industrialized revolution, Cambodia had become one of the countries affected from modern industrialized countries. Perhaps, nobody knows when materialism started its presence in the souls of Cambodians. However, Cambodia had its own industries in the King Sihanouk era, the time materialism might affect the society. The neutralized country had its first coup d’à ©tat backed by the US in 1970. The general Lon Nol became the first Kampuchea’s president. At that time, there was no progress in economic development. Afterward in 1975, the Khmer Rouge ousted the President and took control over the country, leaving estimated 1.7 million Cambodian died from starvation, overwork, and unlawful killing. Actually, it was the most devastating regime in Cambodian history. On January 07, 1979 the capital city—Phnom Penh—was rescued from the socialist regime. Between 1979 and 1992, there was not any noticeable progress in building the country’s economy. Not until the first democratic election took place in 1993, was the Cambodia’s new chapter opened. Again, it was the transition from planned market to free-opened market. At that time, Cambodia welcomed all types of foreign investments from all over the world. As a result, Cambodia has become the Cambodia today which is the country that needs change. Relatively writing, people do not pay much attention on what they are possessing. They start to work and earn for their daily lives. The celebrating of the new millennium, Cambodia’s economy has gradually been boosted. About five or six years later, the real estate companies came into play. The price of the land was extremely expensive and the owners of the land had sold their land to foreign companies and indeed for local as well. That was the time the phrase â€Å"How much for the ‘ten New Dream motorbikes’ is?† became the amusing and criticized words in every day conversation. Indeed, perhaps that was the time materialism prevailed in the society especially the Phnom Penh city. Nowadays, the most popular materials which attract much of the youth’s attention are high-tech mobile phones such as iphone4, Samsung GalaxyS3, automatic transmission motorbike like Scoopy 2012, big motorbikes such as SL, XR, GS 330, modern sport cars, high-tech tablets, jewelry, etc. Because of those materials, teenagers and adults will do everything to own one of them or even all of them. They think in a short-sighted way because of the compulsion. They, in fact, do not give value for people but the materials the people own. If the current tendency is being applied to the society, the inescapably bad repercussions will be dominated in the society. Progression of Materialism As a matter of fact, materialism happens in the Cambodian society due to many reasons. First, movie via television greatly involves in the progress of the tendency. This means that the influence of materialism to Cambodian comes from movies that are showed on the TV shows or their private computers. Whenever they got some information from the movie for example like they saw something some actors have worn on the TV show, they would probable copy the style and try to act themselves as the actors. â€Å"MY TV† is a very good example to claim about that. Before MYTV television station was established, people in Cambodia seemed to be so simple (comparing to the clothes they have worn). However, people started to dream about the Korean style such as clothes or jewelry. Another example to support this claim is that the advertisement on the TV showing that when Cambodian have saw advertisement of Dream 2012 on the TV, they would probably like that kind of motorbike even it looks idio t. Thus, they try to find money to buy the motorbike. Apart from movie TV shows, jealousy of one individual really spurs the motivation on materialism. This means some people they don’t care about the benefit of the product that they will buy. The most important thing is that they just want to be as modern and elegant as their surrounding friends who already have modern motorbikes, automobiles, iPhones or iPads. One PUC student majoring in TESOL said, â€Å"I would spend some times with my friends—elegant ones—because I want and have modern things like my phone I am suing today, iPhone4. I don’t care about anything because I have the phone like my friends.† By this expression, it implies that the TESOL student does not want any mocking or teasing regarding modern materials. He would probably feel upset and jealous if he does not own his iPhone4. Furthermore, some students want to challenge their reputations with their friends. For example, they want only to be the highest in their groups. Therefore, they try to manage themselves to be the most powerful by having more fantastic equipment in their hands in order to show that they are better than other people. Owning luxury car—Luxus Rx 350—has already given the owner the influence on the surrounding people especially their friends. Moreover, while some foreigners are doing business in Cambodia, they are transferring some new positions on materialism into Cambodia by chance. When Cambodians see all those things such as iPhone, iPad, or other things else, all Cambodian feel that all of those materials would probably help their standards of living becoming higher. Since, they would buy all of the things and start using all the things. In a student survey, 10 out of 13 students wanted a new motorbike of car. They shared the opinion that own ¬ing a vehicle had in fact, very little to do with their studies. Peer pressure is another factor to own a vehicle. 18-year-old high school student, said, â€Å"When they see my friends drive new motorbikes, they want one too. However, their mother re ¬fused to buy for them.† Regarding to migration, some students in Cambodia are very strong enough to study abroad. As the result, some of those could get scholarship to study abroad, while some could not get any scholarship. However, most of them are leaving Cambodia to study abroad. As they are being abroad, they would meet much equipment that some foreigners are using. When the students see all the things, they would advertise their families in Cambodia to use all the equipment as well. By now, the progressing of the materialistic tendency in Cambodian society is gradually escalated due to the above reasons. On the other hands, it is becoming more interesting if the paper also mentions about the purposes of owning materialistic things before discussing any further on the topic. The purposes of owning modern materials With the overall interviews, the data shows that there are two main purposes—meaningful and meaningless. These two terms are used because of many interviewees’ preference. To begin with, there are many meaningful usages of modern, expensive products. First, it has something to do with learning progress. This means that people in Cambodia use some materialistic tools in order to do research and update their knowledge by spending time with some equipment such as computer, iPhone, or iPad. For example, some people use iPhone or iPad for doing research because this kind of thing is really small, easy to keep with, the internet work very fast; plus, it looks really cool. Also they could use all of this instruction to capture photograph, read books, play games, record something, or even call to friends or anybody that they want to ask for help such as homework or assignments. Second, Cambodians own elegant things because they want to make their standards of living better (Ou & Khiev, 2011). This means that people in Cambodia use modern equipment in order just want to have a good standard of living. For example, the construction in Cambodia is really popular now. Many people want to live in a villa to have a comfortable living. In fact, if this idea is hold by almost Cambodians, the country will be difficult to get developed because they think in the wrong ways. Improving living standard is not about owning up-to-date property but to be educated and get promoted. Asides from this, spending less time, saving time, is another meaningful thing to do with modern technology. This means that Cambodia can use the modern materials in order to save their valuable time. For example, they use mobile phone in case they want to communication with their relatives who might be living far away from them. Thus, they don’t have to spend time to travel between places to places that their relatives are living. In addition, the world is running fast by globalization that is Cambodians are competing with the world’s technology. Actually, some people buy some modern equipment in order to show that they are being update people, meaning Cambodians are being civilized citizens. They do not want to live in the traditional way which needs to be updated to balance and equalize like other countries around the world now. On the other hands, there are some meaningless usages of modern, expensive materials. First, some Cambodians do not use their equipment in their hands with appropriate purposes. Some use for only entertainment but they can’t see many more exploitations from the equipment. For example, some Cambodians bought iPhones in order to play game or using Facebook only, but they don’t use the phone in order to do research to increase and learn new things. Another important point of view, materialism shows power and authority, meaning that some Cambodians need modern equipment just want to show their powers in order to threat other people. For instance, some authorities in Cambodia are using modern luxury automobiles such as Range Roll World, Lexus 570, or other branch-new, fancy cars in order to threat some polices or the lower-standard people. When the people see all of those things, they fell inferior to the rich. Thus, the authorities who have modern automobiles can do as many things as they wish. More interesting, some Cambodians would like to buy some materials because they want only to woo girls, or ladies. However, they could not use the material appropriately. For instance, some men buy an iPhone, iPad, a nice motorbike or a car just to woo some ladies while they could now how to use all of the material affectively. This mean that some Cambodians buy good things to use is because they want to show that they are really rich, intelligent to others. For instance, some pupils buy new automobile to show that their family are rich to all their friends. The Possible Drawbacks of Materialism Within this paper, the scope of outcomes is categories into three main fields: self, family, and society. Now the drawbacks will firstly be discussed in the following sentences. The first outcome is dropping out of schools. Some students are skipping school because materialism makes them blind and persuade them to forget their studying. For instance, some students do not want to go to the school because they got a new motorbike or other modern equipment. They would like to make parties or go out with their friends rather than stay in their school to learn from the lecturers. At the end, they could not have a good future or bright future in order to feed themselves as well as their whole family. One sophomore majoring Laws at RULE said, â€Å"I used to drop out my high school because I did have any modern and expensive phone—at that time it was Nokia N95 8GB. I was very upset and jealous when I saw my friends hanging out with those staffs. Then I decided to drop out because I can avoid being teased and annoyed.† Second disadvantage is looking like a gangster. Due to materialism, it can make a person similar to some gangers if we look for a few seconds. For example, some men now are wearing ear rings. As the result, they look really similar to some gangsters. Thus, it could make their reputation down. Plus, the surrounding people will not want to get involved or communicate with because there might be some argument or fighting. Next, bad health is another one drawback. Some people use some materials in wrong condition. Finally, they could face health problems. For example, some people they use their time spending on their phones too much in order to speak for fun with their friends. Hence, they could face many health problems such as brain cancer because of the ratio activity that came out from the mobile phone. Some people also use some materials which risk their lives. For example some people use their motorbikes flying to show that they are handsome and cool. On the other hands, while they are trying to do that, it could have an accident such as breaking their knees or they could die every minute. Regarding to family category, there are a few disadvantages. Some sons in Cambodia got modern motorbikes; they would go out with their friends really often specially, at mid-night. Even that their parents tried to advise them, but they do not want to follow their parents. They tend to go out and have some fun with their friends. Because the sons are being lost in the passion of the materialism, it can lead the family fall isolated. Next, monetary problems are also very common. Some Cambodians never look at their incomes to see how much they would get per month or per year. Even that their incomes are still low, but they wish to get as good equipment as some family’s members who already have high incomes. Thus, sometimes it could link to family financial crises. For example, because of materialism some children ask their parents to buy them nice motorbikes; otherwise, they would not go to school. Normally, parents always want their children to be good students, so they decide to buy the motorbikes for their children even thought that they already know their incomes are still low. To solve the problems they normally sell their cows in order to fulfill their children’s needs. Later on, they could not have the cow to help for growing rise. Thus, it can make the family will face financial crises. Then materialism can cause them to have some arguments in a family, that is, domestic violence. For example, some family’s members want to use as good equipment as the others, in case they don’t have enough money to support. In other to get all the things they need, they generally threat their parents to complete their dream and sometimes conflict can happen any times. Perhaps, children murder their parents for money. The third category is society. Traffic jam, actually, is one of the results of materialism. This means that many people are really love materialism. They do not want to use motorbike or bicycle. They need only good and large car in order to show out their power. As the result, in Cambodia in present, there are too many cars on the streets. Some people drive their car to some coffee shops even though the places are nearby their house. At the end, there is a lot of traffic jam on the road nowadays. Because of new technology, transportation is being updated recently. Cars seem to be very fast. However, some people are not good at driving car and some we re drunk before driving the cars. At the end, the drunk can cause problem such as accident to other people on the street in Cambodia. Besides, Cambodian are destroying environment as well while they are focusing on materialism. For example, in order to create clothes, many clothes industries are being increase to serve the demand of the people. The industries are producing much smoke to the sky. As the result they could pollute the air. Many machined vehicles are also a good example of the materialism that can impact badly the environment. In fact, the smoke from the vehicles is polluting the environment which Cambodians are living as well. Furthermore, materialism can affect badly the state security as well. It means some poor also need to be cool as well as the rich. They do not have money now, so they try to steal the things from street or any place which provide them any opportunity to commit crime in order to get some kinds of materialistic things such as motorbikes, jewelry, iPhones, or iPads. More noticeably, culture destruction is gradually happening. Some people in Cambodia are being crazy because of materialism. Most of them forget about Khmer traditional culture which their ancestors have made for them. For example, some young men in Cambodia are wearing earing on their ear in order to receive admired word from their friends. If we compare to the past, it is really unique because man never wear earing. Women are destroying the culture of Khmer as well. Nowadays, they seem to be too thoughtless. We notice that most of them are wearing short skirts. This is very strange from the past in which all the lady wore long clothes to cover their skins in order not to allow the others to see their skins. When women wear shortly, it can attract men to look at them. Some men could rape the women once the men could get any opportunity. Thus it can lead to criminal cases. Finally, when Cambodians need too many meaningless things, many businessmen would import the products into Cambodia. The GPA of the Cambodians is still low. Most of the Cambodians are farmers. Thus, we could not produce many kind of equipment besides importing them from oversea. As the result, the countries spend a lot of money importing some products such as iPhones, vehicles, and iPads to the countries while we are not able to produce by ourselves. However, materialism has few benefits for the society as well if and only if Cambodians know how to use it, when to own it, and what to possess. The plausible advantages of Materialism Like disadvantage categories, the advantages of materialism is discussed in three main categories: self, family, and society. For individual Cambodia, materialism brings easiness. This means that materialism can make them to get high standards of living. They could feel comfortable because of their materialism. Another point, materialism can increase knowledge. This means that individual can increase their intellectuality such as general knowledge. For example, individual can use a computer, iPad, iPhone in order to do research. All this equipment is really helpful to Cambodian. Spending less time is another advantage. It means that many products in their hands already. Thus, some can use their product affectively while some are not. Cambodian youths use their materialistic things to shorten the time and the distance. For instance some youths prefer modern motorbikes or cars rather than bicycles. Thus, they could spend less time for traveling form one place to another. Mobile phone c an also help them to spend less time as well. Now youth, who have many relatives in provinces when they want to meet their relatives, they don’t have to go to their homeland. They just call to the relatives that are enough. Similarly, materialism can help individual to pack up many things into smaller. For instance, people in Cambodia nowadays, do not have to take a lot of things in their hands. They just need an iPhone which contains many things inside it such as camera, recorder, music, video player, note books, books, and many other things in their pocket. Therefore, they could use all the functions without taking real equipment with such as camera or TV. The next category—Family—that materialism positively affect is discussed by the following sentences. First, it brings closed relationship. This means that materialism can cause the members in most of the family feel closed to each other. For example, when some province family members would come to Phnom Penh to study, they would feel isolated and lonely. However, mobile phone could help them to feel closer to each other. All of them can communicate via mobile phone in order to fell that they are staying together and to know each other information. Next, increasing reputation is another advantage. This means that materialism can help a family to be admired from another family. For instance, if a family was living in a villa, using modern technology such as iPhone and driving modern automobile such as Hummer, the family generally would be admired from the others. Thus, it can make the family to get more reputation by their materialism they got. The next and final category is society. Cambodia is a developing country. As we can see in general, most of the people in Phnom Penh are able to use modern technology such as iPhone, iPad, and computers. Moreover, there are sky-high apartments as well. Furthermore, most of the Cambodian youths are using fantasy automobile. Thus, due to materialism, it could show that Cambodia is a developing country. Moreover, materialism can bring more investment to the country, meaning that due to materialism, it can make other foreign factories or industries come to invest in Cambodia. By seeing the youths are similar to the youths in some investing countries, the investors normally feel more comfortable that Cambodia is secure. Thus, it could also attract the investors come in to do small business as well. Some investors can see the youths in Cambodia are loving materialism such as using clothes. As the result, they would like to invest more garment industries in Cambodia. Relatively, the investment will increase employment rate. As the garment industries are being built from days to days in order to complete some youths’ trend in Cambodia, it can provide some job opportunities for Cambodians inside Cambodia. Economic Effects It is a nice thing to hear and see people are buying products from the markets. This activity shows the progress of higher standard of living in the society. Meanwhile, many people buy things that are not essential to them, leaving people tend to save less. Actually, materialistic people tend to be attracted to â€Å"Conspicuous Consumption,† which is purchasing in order to flaunt wealth (Drake, 2012). In order to get the new and expensive materials, many people go to the bank and get loans. Comparing with their salary, people can comfort their buying with their community. That is a good sign for the banks in Cambodia because their services are running smoothly. However, what will happen if those people are not able to compensate? Most of the banks said, â€Å"It is OK. We lend them our money in return their compensation. If they are not able to give back, we have to do accordingly to the laws of the country. That is seizing the property as collateral for bid. Banks never lose to such cases. Furthermore, a new kind of buying technology is buying using credit cards. This new service also leads to huge debts for adults. Because credit cards make them able to purchase things without cash and let them compensate a little amount of debts, many and many youths are happy with them. Some people do not think about the consequences that they will face after owning things that are not important for their daily lives. Plus, they have ignored the value in people while showing off what they are actually in debts. Interestingly, the country might turn out to be outside economic development but in fact most of its people are in debts of other foreign banks. Spiritual Effects In order to live in peace and harmony, the spirituality of Cambodian must be strong and wise. They have to make a good decision and giving value to people from all walks of life. While materialism offers much value on material, people do not understanding owning things that are important and just for comforting the surrounding people are a waste of time and money. Then it will lead to discrimination and segregation—a group of rich and extravagant people and a group of poor and humble people (Drake, 2012). When a country is about to divide such groups, the consolidation and solidarity will not exist. Thus, the country will not thoroughly make its way toward a well economic, politic, cultural development. Moreover, materialism promotes selfishness and a sense of accumulation as being equivalent to happiness and success. It is said materialism is a form of brainwashing and removes any personal responsibility. For example, when people want an iphone4s, they will not think about any responsibilities that they hold like studying, feeding children, managing the company, and more. They will let the responsibilities go as floating water. Furthermore, it is currently true that most of Cambodian youth are not happy when they see their friend owning expensive mobile phones and riding elegant motorbikes. They will do everything to at least get appropriate materials to go along with their elite friends. This is the most regretful thing that Cambodian society is facing. It has nothing to do now but the future will tell. Effects on Teenagers Teenagers, the most vulnerable, are directly affected by materialism, which often has psychological effects, as they are driven to trendy and expensive items (Drake, 2012). Going to schools and getting involved in the community are what good teenagers have to do. Among these activities, rich and poor teenagers gather together, talk with each other, and tell what they are possessing. Once the topic has been raised, the effect starts to spread. Poor teenagers feel like they are useless because they do not own any technological items to work in their community. They lack of self-esteem. When they return home, they would ask their parents for something that their parents cannot afford. Thus, the discouragement will stay inside the teenagers. Their progress will lose and their team spirit will be reduced as well. Actually, it is because they cannot control their eagerness towards those materials. If they just spend some time thoroughly think about the effect and the current of their family status, they would not face this kind of social illness. More precisely, it is popular that some teenagers will be taunted if they do not own the trendy phones, laptops, and more. Normally, people not just teenagers are not happy when someone is about to laugh at what they lack or weak. Materialism and Crime â€Å"What should you do when you want to possess this?† is a common question asked from one friend to another friend. It is not an easy question for those who are poor. If their parents cannot afford for them, they have to find the way to have it themselves. Teenagers with short-sighted thought will do what is called crime (Drake, 2012). From a criminal philosophy view points, crimes can exist everywhere, happen every time, be committed by anyone. That is in the pursuit of material possessions, turning to crime is not unheard of. People will do corruption and manipulate other people’s energy to get more money just in returning owning luxury car and well-decorated villa. Another simple way is to steal the materials from people around them. Moreover, marketing is believed to glamorize crime with images of criminals living extravagant lifestyles. Some people might be looked elegant but in fact they are criminals whom one day the judges will punish. In addition, this will hinder Cambodia in finding its way toward developed country. Youths have to think in details before doing something; otherwise, they will end up in prison, which will destroy their whole lives and the society they are part of. Optimal Solution In fact, there is no ideal solution since it is the most difficult thing to modify or get someone adapted to what he or she does not want to do. However, this paper shows one solution that might the most optimal one, that is, parents’ advice. According to the research, if you know at least one teenager, you are likely familiar with teen materialism. Many adolescents are driven to acquire trendy and expensive items including high-end handbags, cell phones and MP3 players. Teenage materialism itself is not new, but it has steadily accelerated over the last few decades and something has to deal with (John, 2011). The research originally found a connection between self-esteem and materialism. As a teen’s self-worth declines, he or she looks to purchase expensive items for a boost. Material goods compensate for all those negative feelings people have about themselves. This link yielded another important finding about how materialism develops from childhood to adolescence. Materialism increases from childhood to the early teen years, but then drops as they move into the later years of high school. This mirrors the ups and downs of self-esteem as children and teens grow older. The next question to tackle was how parents and peers contribute to materialism in teens. To answer this, parents and peers is asked whether they can influence materialism by affecting self-esteem. Peers are often blamed for pressuring contemporaries to buy the coolest brands of clothes or electronic gadgets. Parents are often blamed for setting a bad example for their teens–putting too much emphasis on having more and better possessions. However, the evidence suggests that parents and peers can also have a positive effect. These two groups are the most important sources of emotional support, psychological well-being, and feelings of self-worth in the lives of teens. Teenagers with supportive parents and friends have higher self-esteem, which makes them less materialistic. The outcome is clear–being supportive not only makes for happier teenage years, it can also reduce the unrelenting requests for expensive items during adolescence. With this research strong supporting from parents is very crucial and effective in reducing the Cambodian tendency toward materialism because as the rest of the paper, materialism does not develop Cambodian society. Conclusion Even though Cambodia opens market for every foreign product, there are risks for the people when they cannot control their eagerness and compulsion. With the above long discussion, materialism does exist in Cambodian society, and it is now getting into Cambodian youths. Materialism spreads itself via technology and every day communication. Because so many youths cannot control their compulsion, they will imitate what they see on the televisions. Plus, it evolves from days to days if there is not any precaution against it. Interestingly, materialism is occurred in the society by not only the technology but also the people themselves who do it and face it. Regarding to its effects, materialism brings both disadvantages and advantages. And it leads to three categories: self, family, and society. Nobody focuses on the consequences brought by materialism because they are being happy and feel elegant of owing such modern materials. However, it does negatively affect Cambodia, a developing country, needing so much human resource. Thus, if this trend continues to be practiced and be pervasive among Cambodians, the country is likely to be the most difficult country to be a developed one. Therefore we, as Khmer generations, must face these problems courageously, for only by that can our country be glorious as when we were at the Angkor Era. This is no longer the time to mourn over the past agony; this is the time that we all get up and be true Khmer people, the people of the Kingdom of Wonder! With the last point of view in this conclusion, the main conclusion to be drawn is that undertaking reforms by reducing institutional weaknesses offers the best hope to overcome materialism. Corruption will not disappear because of reforms. But reforms will bring it under control and minimize its adverse consequences so that the country can proceed with its efforts to become a modern, developed nation with a good chance of attaining the goal. Therefore, if Cambodia really can fight against materialism and succeeds in the suggested solution, it is time for Cambodia to be the developed country. However, we would say today is very hard for everyone to overcome materialism but tomorrow will be much easier if we do something now.

Friday, August 30, 2019

Define the term ‘consent’ in adult social care

Consent is giving permission to do something.In health and social care settings it usually means that the individual gives consent to take part in an activity or to accept some kind of care or treatment – this could be agreeing to have a shower or a bath – agreeing to take medication, as well as agreeing to have their details shared with others.Why is it important that a social care worker works in a way which promotes person centred values? Person-centred approaches are about the individual being the centre of their care and support plan enabling them to have control over their lives. Person-centred approaches are about enabling individuals to live their own lives and not just providing a service. It is about focusing on the individual person’s needs and not the tasks that need completing.Person-centred planning is a way for individuals to plan for what they want now and in the future, together with the people in their lives who they like and trust. Everyone has a right to plan their own lives and be at the centre of any planning that is done for them. Everyone has a right to be part of their community. Everyone has a right to live their lives as they want, and if they need support to do this for this support to be provided in a way in which they want it. There are eight person centred values that support person-centred care and support. These are: IndividualityIndependence Privacy Partnership Choice Dignity Respect RightsBy following the values set out above, we will be able to develop a clear understanding about the individuals we are working with. This includes their needs, their culture, their means of communication, their likes and dislikes, their family and other professionals’ involvement so we can promote and provide person centred care and support.

Thursday, August 29, 2019

Research into Hindu culture Essay

†¢Pyol: The pyol is a sort of front stoop where Indians often visit with neighbours and watch the world go by †¢Austerity : Noun the trait of great – denial †¢Prostrate: to cast oneself face down on the ground in humility. †¢Chappattis : A flat unleavened round shaped bread of northern India. Made of wheat flour, water and salt †¢Tapas: (noun) Hinduism religious austerity. †¢Hobnobbed : to associate on very friendly terms †¢Sarayn : The Sarayn is an ancient river that flowed through what is now the modern Indian state of Uttar Pradesh. It is often considered to be synonymous with the modern Gharghara river tribitutary of it. The Sarayn played a vital role for the city and life of Ayodhya, as according to the great Hindu epic,the Ramayana,is where Rama,the seventh Avatara of Vishnu immersed himself to the return to his eternal, real Mahavishnu form, when he retired from the throne of Kosala. His brothers Bharata and Shatrughna also join him, as do many devoted followers. The Sarayn is also the river, upon banks King Rama was born. †¢Mantap : a porch or vestibule of the Brahman temple. †¢Banyan tree : In Hindu religion the Banyan tree is considered sacred. It represents eternal life because of its ever-expanding branches. †¢Swamiji: Is primarily a Hindu honour title, loosely akin to â€Å"master â€Å"or â€Å"teacher†. It comes from the word Sanskritt and means â€Å" owner of oneself†, that is, a complete mastery over instinctive and lower urges. It is a title that is added to ones name to emphasize learning and mastery of a specific field of knowledge, most often religious or spiritual. In Hinduism, when one becomes a swami, one is considered to be liberated from material desires. Swamis have full control over their bodies, and are all-knowing. Many Swamis no longer need to eat or sleep. Receiving all of their energy from God. Many Swamis in India stay up in the mountains meditating. **** The short story â€Å" House opposite† is not marred by complexity or confusion , it merely observes the sentimentality, emotional and spiritual  norms imposed on human relationships and its implication with ideology superiority

Wednesday, August 28, 2019

International Business Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 4000 words

International Business - Essay Example The porter diamond factors of competitive advantages of a nation include; the government, factor conditions, port competition, related and supporting industry as well as the demand conditions that should be applied in all organizations so as to have high competitive advantages over their competitors. However, the framework may not be applied in most organization as it does not incorporate the multinational activities. The introduction of the generalized double diamond model has led to the significant changes within the organization. This framework takes into consideration the multinational activities whereas the porters’ original diamond model takes into account the traditional home-based activities. In addition the porter’s diamond framework makes an explicit connection between the geographical and the international industries therefore the industries can easily access raw materials for their company and can also market their products where they can get market for their produce. Companies gain competitive advantages through getting involved in the innovative processes within their organizations. The approaches of innovation involve use of the latest technology and gaining knowledge on how to carry out the activities of an organization effectively. The innovation processes are manifested through using new product designs, new production processes, having marketing approaches as well as conducting training campaigns within the organizations. The Porter Diamond framework was initiated by Michael Porter and is used in determining the competitive advantages of a country or a region. According to porter 1990, it states that the competitive advantage of a country is created and sustained by going through a highly localized process. However, the diamond framework determinants of countries or regions do not necessarily contribute to the success of a country. Porter analyzed the factors that

The Debate on what caused Rome to fall the most Essay

The Debate on what caused Rome to fall the most - Essay Example Could it have been too big of an empire to handle? Were the people in charge just not fit to govern it properly? It transpires that there are many different reasons that can be attributed for the fall of the Roman Empire. One major contributory factor to the fall of Roman Empire is the decline of morals and values in the country. It has been documented that there was nearly 32,000 prostitutes in Rome, both men and women. During the reigns of rulers such as Pax Romana, Caligula and Nero the reigning royalty held infamous parties, wasting huge sums of money, where guests drank and ate to their fill and prostitutes were hired for orgies for the upper class à ©lite. Among the lower class, the most popular amusement was watching the gladiatorial combats in the Colosseum. This encouraged gambling, fighting, and acts of murder. On the other hand, many people claimed that such practices were a part of the Roman culture, but they made the common men lazy.   Ã‚      Although there were many aqueducts and other attempts at sanitation, the public health and environmental problems were severe. The wealthy elite had their water brought to their homes through lead pipes. The aqueducts had a system o purify the water near the source but at the end, the lead pipes were problematic. This caused the death of many wealthy citizens and on the flip side the lack of potable water brought the doom on the peasantry. The mass gathering of people at the Colosseum and the waste they caused, as well as the blood and corpses had entailed the generation of disease that spread across the nation. Those who lived on the streets remained exposed to the diseases, which speeded up the process of spreading. To make things worse, the use of alcohol increased, thus eroding the public health system in Rome.   Ã‚      During the latter years of the empire, most of the farming was done on large estates called latifundia that were owned by rich men who used slaves. The farmers who had to

Tuesday, August 27, 2019

System evaluation and benchmark testing Assignment

System evaluation and benchmark testing - Assignment Example Strengths and Limitations of each system: Grass is open project software and can be used for finding directions to managing natural conditions. A user may put it for various purposes and achieve expected results. The Grass GIS software is a combination of raster/vector Geographical Information Software enhanced images and visualized data system. The system can be utilized by the usage of different modules but the users must know their own requirements before implementing it for use. GRASS GIS software system offers the 'GRASS Programmer's Manual.' The biggest benefit of using Grass software is that it can be used by writing custom made modules according to the user's own requirements. The users only need to read through the existing written modules to get a clear picture of the difference between what will be the output of the existing module and what output they want. When they get a clear picture it will be easier to frame a GIS module which adds on to the existing ones. This is pe rhaps the biggest feature and distinct characteristic of GRASS software that it offers the access and customization of internal structure of the system. The GRASS GIS offers a library to develop and document the modules as the Application Programming Interface. API is built to help the users in the development of the new module as a new add-on. With the help of this feature, users can help the project in growing and there will be more varieties of modules for the new users. Google Earth is proved to be vey useful in Real Estate and Engineering Industries. Google Earth uses the imagery database and also a very high pixel aspect for the printing purpose to enhance its service quality. Google Earth provides live satellite images of different parts of Earth. They may not be live in actual sense but they are updated very soon so they are mostly near to live and present most up-to-date images of world's topography. Google Earth is very beneficial for students and as well as business class people. It is helpful in providing satellite views for architectural projects, real estate decisions and also for businesses that need geographical information. During previous years, Google Earth Pro has been used by several NGOs in order to help and restore endangered life in different regions of the world. NGOs used Google Earth to collect and organize geographical sets of data, identifying sites, making maps and presenting their ideas. It is also very helpful in real estate business. The real estate dealers start to make their own portfolio of properties through Google Earth and it is perhaps the best tool to manage real estate business over seas where it will be difficult for the buyer to access the site. Microsoft MapPoint is a mapping application that is available in market for both business and home users. can easily plot geospatial data for North America or Europe. It can also geocode locations and plot routes. Although it is not having extensive functionality of a more co mprehensive GIS system like supporting ESRI format that is a standard format for GIS data, however it offers to create

Monday, August 26, 2019

Drug courts Annotated Bibliography Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Drug courts - Annotated Bibliography Example The World Drug Report 2012 was published by The United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UND) in its official website. This site gives extensive information regarding drugs and crime, and discusses the linkage between the both. In addition, the organization illustrates the necessity of delivering professionally recognized services to drug addicts. This report specifically focuses on the quality aspect of programs and procedures performed during the treatment program. This article is very useful for the reader to understand how an ineffective drug treatment program would affect patients. It also deals with various rehabilitation programs available to drug addicts. ‘In the rooms’ is a well known website that provides information on various subjects like drugs, narcotics, and drug addiction. The report discusses the drug court facility in detail and points out various merits and demerits of this facility. This section indicates that drug court facilities are inevitable in the modern society as this system plays a central role in regulating substance abuse and thereby improving the overall community health. Through this report, the website reminds that a variety of narcotics are easily available in the market and hence an effective regulatory system must be in force. The National Crime Victimization Survey was conducted by the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS) and published in the official website of Office of Justice Programs. The information provided in the website assist readers to get a clear view about the ways the BJS gathers data on criminal victimization in the United States. The website provides victims with largest national platform for explaining crime consequences and violent offender characteristics. In the website, samples of questionnaires used for performing crime victimization surveys are illustrated. In addition,

Sunday, August 25, 2019

Issues in Education Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Issues in Education - Essay Example However, there are a number of cracks in the ladder which need to be looked at in detail. As Laurence J. Peter puts it, â€Å"Education is a method whereby one acquires a higher grade of prejudices.† People learn how to read and write and become literate, but are far from being educated. This is so because of the mechanical setup of learning which exists in every school and college today, where rote learning and high scores are given preference over innovation and brainstorming. Practical projects are eliminated to make way for innumerous assignments and teachers are only concerned with work completion, being least bothered about whether their students are actually learning something. ‘Good education is not to follow the pages of a workbook. It’s following the workbook that’s within the child!’ (Christoph Schiebold). This thoughtful quote beautifully sums up all the major issues surrounding the education of children all around the globe. Educating a child is not merely about teaching him/her the alphabets or the number system. It’s about developing children’s minds to bring out the best in them, to help them identify and nurture their talents, to prepare them to face the world by arming them with the flawless knowledge about the right and the wrong, the good and the bad. Unfortunately, education has just been reduced to a lame system of mugging up some facts and representing them flawlessly in the examinations to score handsome marks. ‘One of the biggest fallouts of this system of education is that it completely annihilates any imagination that the child may possess.’ (Meenakshi Narang) Education is not limited to the classroom or the school premises. It is a never ending and an all encompassing process. As Oscar Wilde put it, â€Å"You can never be overdressed or overeducated.† Thus, the teachers and professors who are given the responsibility to educate a child should consider themselves priv ileged and not burdened. They are like the forbearers of the flames of our future, and how bright these flames may shine is completely dependent on them. However, this is easier said than done. Those days are long gone when education was considered akin to prayer and teachers were worshipped like Gods. Today, education is nothing more than a booming business and the teachers are mere employees of this large enterprise for whom all that matters is their paycheck at the end of each month. Neither are they any divine people nor do they worship their work. Needless to say, they aren’t concerned whether a future Picasso or Einstein is under their care; all they are concerned about is their job and how to complete it as fast as they can. Good teachers are like gems in a bag full of pebbles; extremely rare and tiresome to discover! However, they are indispensable for providing a befitting education to our children. ‘What really makes a difference, what matters more than the cl ass size or the textbook, the teaching method or the technology, or even the curriculum, is the quality of the teacher’(Newsweek). If the person who is teaching the children does not have the qualities of patience, open mindedness and understanding, then even the best schools and the fattest paychecks cannot guarantee the successful education of a child. A teacher, who understands his pupils, inspires them and makes them open up their minds and hearts to the world outside is the one who really educates them. As they say, if the roots are strong, the plant grows into a healthy tree. Similarly, if a teacher has what it takes to truly educate a child, he/she can build a gentleman out of a farm boy, no matter what tools he/she has at his/her disposal. Opponents of this theory claim that these issues are minor and baseless and are

Saturday, August 24, 2019

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide-Prevention Barrier Essay

Golden Gate Bridge Suicide-Prevention Barrier - Essay Example 37 people died jumping off the bridge in the year 2011. About 100 people are stopped from jumping. People who throw their lives here drown in the deep waters like the flies burn themselves throwing in the glow of light. Technically, this Gate has been hailed as an engineering marvel, and an international landmark that attracts the tourists, but its reputation is otherwise alarming. Aaron Sankin writes, â€Å"The Chronicle estimates that a minimum of 1,218 suicides have taken place on the bridge, a minimum of 19 per year--making it the single most suicide-prone location in the whole United States. Leaping from the bridge to the icy water below is usually fatal; people taking the plunge are killed 98% of the time.† ( †¦)For the sake of maintaining the beauty of the Bridge sacrifice of the precious lives is not the answer. Those who appreciate the engineering skills of the bridge, must exhibit some sensitivity about the number of suicides at the altar of the Brid ge. That the final solution to this problem should remain in limbo looks like a fictional account, but the 2011 suicide figures are the stark reminder to this bone-chilling issue. This is a problem for which the legal luminaries of the country should file a suit in the appropriate legal forums for the gross negligence of the concerned authorities to prevent the loss of human lives. In the absence of a system in place, deaths continue to occur. So, the Federal funding is the next option before the district authorities. At the district level, the authorities make concerted efforts and seek private donations from individuals interested in the installation of the barrier. In the absence of adequate safety barriers, The Golden Gate Bridge has turned out to be a public health hazard. Elaborating this aspect John Bateson writes, â€Å"Do you have a plan for how you’d do it? Do you have a time frame? Have you put any part of your plan into action? Suicide rarely comes in normal conversation†¦Ã¢â‚¬  (132) Most of the international tourist spots have suicide barriers. Why deny such a facility to this unique spot? I think that the district authorities must be allocated Federal Funds to the tune of $50 million. This is not a spot of local tourist delight. Tourists from all over America/world visit the bridge and thus it is a revenue-generating source as well. Further, a two-pronged strategy to prevent suicides needs to be formulated to make the entire project more human. Apart from the grant from the Federal level, the local authorities must take certain ancillary measures, for augmenting the resources on a permanent basis, for proper governance and maintenance of the Bridge. 1st Objection to the solution Physical barriers is not the final choice to eliminate all suicides. But they significantly decrease the attempts, as suicide is mostly an impulsive act, and those few minutes which give pause to the mental makeup of the individual attempting suicide will do good to save the precious life.

Friday, August 23, 2019

Pian an individual state's TANF program to discuss and in general,AND Research Paper

Pian an individual state's TANF program to discuss and in general,AND discuss how this welfare reform changes behavior and labou - Research Paper Example This paper aims at discussing the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families and how it affects behavior and labor force participation. Critiques of Aid to Families with Dependent Children program had claimed that the program was highly ineffective and was only encouraging dependency on the government. This argument was backed by the high rate of increase in case load that was experienced in between 1990 and 1994. This led to the introduction of welfare-work programs. These programs were found to have highly increased employment rates and reducing welfare rolls. However, the programs had very minimal effect on the income of former welfare recipients. This proved that the programs were not efficient in poverty eradication. The government then made the decision to turn welfare into a transitional system. Under this system financial assistance would be provided to the needy just for a certain period then they would be required to work and earn their own money by using the knowledge they go t from the training offered to them during the welfare (Moffitt, 2002). The congress reforms that led to the enactment of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families had five main themes. The welfare was supposed to undergo reform in order for them to promote time limits and work. They also aimed at reducing federal spending on financial aid to the needy families with dependent children. ... Encouraging work amongst welfare recipients was one of the major aims of the Temporary Assistance for Needy Families. Before the reforms that brought about the introduction of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families, there was no increase in the rate of employment amongst the welfare recipients (Brockman, 2013). In between 1994 and 1999 there was a labor participation increase of about 10% amongst the welfare recipients. This is encouraged by the requirement of the welfare recipients to work. With this they were able to be of greater labor significance to the country’s economy. One of the contributing factors to the increase in employment amongst welfare recipients is the period restriction. Temporary Assistance for Needy Families states that no individual would be allowed to receive welfare for more than 5 years. Some of the states have even made the number of years less (Falk & United States, 2008). This policy makes the recipients to want to involve themselves in income ear ning activities in preparation for the end of welfare assistance. Given the fact that the recipients are financially needy the only legitimate income generating activity that they would effectively involve in is an employment and provision of labor. Through this they increase the country’s general labor force. The fact that Temporary Assistance for Needy Families encouraged devolution also contributed to the increase in the rate of employment amongst welfare recipients. Through devolution states were able to design and implement programs that would encourage employment amongst the policy recipients. This is majorly because of the diversity of the industrial

Thursday, August 22, 2019

Willy Russell portray serious issues Essay Example for Free

Willy Russell portray serious issues Essay He uses Standard English, but with a regional accent. So he fits into the social context of the play. His vocabulary is direct; this symbolises a direct message. His voice is also assertive but he doesnt show any emotion, which shows hes detached from whats going on. Hes dramatically effective because he is entwined in speech and action. The speech sequences between Linda and Mickey are interrupted by the narrator, which shows a dramatic presence. He comes at unexpected and dramatic times, which is engaging for the audience. The director also says shoes upon the table and gypsies in the wood this symbolises a warning and verbally foreshadows the rest of the play. The issue of superstition is portrayed in an entertaining way because the narrator is saying in between speeches. He is slightly menacing; this creates shock to the audience, which engages them. You could say that the narrator is seen like the devil. Comic devices are also used when there were adults dresses as children and they behave in an immature manner. The milkman being the gynaecologist also adds to the humour, from the quote actually Ive given up the milk round and gone into medicine. Im your gynaecologist. From this the audience would subconsciously see the issues in an entertaining way. The humorous language from quotes previously also build up the entertainment and adds to the comic devices they go together well in tandem. Mickey and Linda growing up has a humorous side to it because they deal with small problems, which are humorous. Mickey says I dont wanna die and Linda says But you have to Mickey. Everyone does. Like your twinny died. Mickey here is frightened that Sammy might kill him with a fake air pistol, but Linda calms Mickey down. But as they grow up we see a serious issue of it, like their baby, finances and trying to find a house. A lot of stress comes to Mickey and he says Now give me the tablets I need them, so I can be invisible from that we can see Mickey needs tablets because of the stress, but the last part makes it entertaining, its a sort of joke. There was also light romance between Mickey and Linda, she kept saying I love you Mickey, which was entertaining as Linda had said she loved him when they were children; the romance makes those serious issues between them seem entertaining. The music devices that Willey Russell used also make it entertaining and helps bring the characters to life on stage, the serious issues such as single parents and social class suddenly become entertaining because of these melodies. Willy Russell used music devices effectively to end Act 1 on a positive note. A quote to show this was, Were getting out. Were moving house, Were going away. Getting out today. Were moving movin movin house. The Johnstone had a lot of troubles up to that point, but they were finally moving to the countryside. The positive text and music contributes to the happy atmosphere, the chorus, Oh bright new day, were moving away, were startin all over again. Oh, bright new day, were going away, Where nobodys heard of our name, emphasises the importance of it and shows her happiness. The melody is an upbeat tune, the lyrics say that Oh bright new day, the constant repetition again emphasises the fact that the atmosphere is happy, so the issue of poverty and single parents are subconsciously portrayed in an entertaining way because of the music, melodies and positive text. The happy atmosphere also subconsciously makes the audience generate their expectations, that the next acts would be happy. Different types of songs are used to represent different parts of the play; there were ballads, Tell me its not true, say its just a story, something on the news, Tell me its not true, say its just a dream, for sad parts and lively songs, (from the previous quotes) for light-hearted aspects. The engaging songs and lyrics add to the drama because it is constantly enveloping with serious issues, which is entertaining, hence engaging for the audience. The themes of dancing, like, Oh we went dancing Edward, it was great and waltzing occurs throughout the play to go in tandem with the lively songs to add to the happy atmosphere again to portray the serious issues in an entertaining way. The end of the play deals with a lot of other serious issues in an entertaining approach. There is a lot of action and Mickey going crazy at the end, which is entertaining, this goes in tandem with the murders to portray it in an entertain way. The tension when Mickey was holding the gun also creates suspense for the audience and really engages them. The audience would subconsciously start the denotation to connotation process, as the gun connotes death and violence. Their expectations for the end of the play would be generated. The main issue of murder in the closing scene would be portrayed entertainingly because it was ironic that two twin brothers that were separated at birth eventually die on the same day. The author makes Mickey say You! Why didnt you give me away! I could have been. I could have been him! This shows that Mickey knows he could have been better off if he was in the higher-class family. Subsequently it shows that the Willy Russell thinks that it is class that caused the murder. The authors attitudes towards class are also revealed and justified in the narrators last speech. He trys to persuade the audience into thinking it was class because he stretches the last sentence Or could it be what we, the English come to know it as class? . He ends with a strong rhetorical question talking about class. This rhetorical question is cleverly used because it subconsciously makes us linger on the topic of class, and even be persuaded to think it was class that caused the murders. This reflects the attitudes of the author; he thinks that it was the different social classes mixing that caused the murders. His attitudes to social classes were high. He was concerned, that if people with a different social classes mix then it would spell trouble. In the play of Blood Brothers Willy Russell deals with a lot of serious issues in an entertaining way, this really engages the audience. He virtually engulfs all the serious issues with the entertainment and happy atmosphere, to portray them as entertaining. Our minds subconsciously think about the entertaining side of the issue rather than the serious side. The issues also add to the development of the play, poverty led to social class which eventually led to murder. However he trys to portray the issues in an entertaining way to engage the audience; it makes us feel and think about different aspects of the issues. Take social class for example, Mickey was brought up in a lower class family but probably had more enjoyment in his childhood than Edward. But Edward was not allowed much because of his parents. However when Mickey grew up he didnt have a good education and wasnt taught properly by his mother what was to do and not to do in life. These are different aspects of that issue, which were cleverly shown in an entertaining way by Willy Russell.

Wednesday, August 21, 2019

Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS Essay Example for Free

Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS Essay This film is another campaign material of the Department of Health to , spread, publicize or publish information on the prevention of Human Immunodeficiency Virus or HIV and Acquired Immune Deficiency Syndrome or AIDS.It is based on the story and screenplay by the son of film director Peque Gallaga and a self-confessed HIV positive. He is Wango Gallaga. And it is a digital masterpiece by Neal â€Å"Buboy† Tan. This film is about a man named Gil Bustamante played by jake cuenca, He is a young documentary filmmaker. A job assigned to him by department of health to do a documentary about their HIV/AIDS awareness program. Bearing his video cam and an irritable, grumpy and snappy assistant played by candy pangilinan they go to the San Lazaro Hospital as a backdrop, they weaves a story that combines the numerous stories of people who are infected with the virus. In the process, he discovers so much about HIV/AIDS. Among those having their story told are heterosexuals, homosexuals, prostitutes, and intravenous drug users. The first victim he met is named Heidi, an ordinary housewife who contracted the virus from her philandering OFW husband. He died of AIDS three years ago, leaving her alone to care for their 9 year old son, Victor also an HIV patient. The second one is Ivy, a young call center agent who discovers she is HIV positive when she tries to apply for work abroad. Her plans for a new life abroad destroyed, she must now face the world – her work, family, and friends – with a mistake from her past And lastly, Vanessa a cheerful young gay and stand-up comedian who engages in different sexual pleasures with multiple partners. He, with his very supportive parents, are willing and eager to share his story for his own reasons, Gil is obsessed with finishing the documentary, even if some of his key subjects have either died or blacked-out of the project. He learns that the fight against HIV/AIDS is not solely the responsibility of the government – it is a fight that demands responsible action from every individual. In the end, he is triumphant in finishing the documentary as well as being able to face his own greatest fear. Heidi (Ma. Isabel Lopez) contracted the virus from her philandering OFW husband who died three years ago; Ivy (Iza Calzado), a call center agent who  was two years fresh from graduation when she applies for a job abroad and is discovered to have also contracted the virus. Vanessa (IC Mendoza) on the other hand, is a young cheery gay who’s a stand-up comedian and who engages in different sexual pleasures. He, with the support of his parents, is willing and eager to tell his story. Heidi, being an innocent victim, decides to tell her story in the hope that by coming out, less people will contract the virus. Ivy suspected she got the virus during their graduation party when everybody was intoxicated and drugged. She never had sex with anyone except her boyfriend, who luckily was HIV-negative. Vanessa continues his stint as an entertainer, and continues to have sex with different men until finally he was nabbed and almost got killed by a group of men he had sex with.

The Importance Of Maintaining Individuality Over Communality Politics Essay

The Importance Of Maintaining Individuality Over Communality Politics Essay Maintaining your individuality is more important than being part of a group because group identities and the groups differences tend to be the basis for decisions a person might make as a citizen. Groups who focus on a specific ideology have distinctive arguments and address a particular audience. Most of the members of liberation ideologies, such as black liberation, womens liberation, gay liberation, native peoples liberation, animal liberation and liberation theology focus on ones self interest taking on too narrow a view rather than promoting the viewpoint that is for the greater good. People in these groups would make their decisions regarding who might best lead the country or what laws should be enacted or voted down based on a candidates gender, religious beliefs, race or sexual preference, and not as a citizen thinking of the best scenario for the majority. These groups make their decisions because on their groups self-interests and exclude the individual viewpoint. If these specific groups want equality, then they should think as individual citizens because in the United States, citizens are equal before the law. As stated in our text book pg. 252, our courts of justice and other institutions should be blind to race, ethnicity, and other forms of group identification. No one should be given special treatment because of his or her race or ancestry or ethnic affiliation. The self interest characteristic of special groups is also seen in the fascist and Nazism ideologies. Both of these groups are against individualism and class divisions. They were only in favor of one nation or one supreme race, in other words, one group. Hitler believed that his Nazi philosophy about the German people (the supreme group) was more important then the 6 million Jews who did nothing to him, yet he had them killed. The fascists belief of everything for the good of the nation state, a single leader and single party can be seen in the modern day Moammar Gadhafi regime in Libya. The Gadhafi regime was not beneficial to the whole nation because there were inequalities among the citizens of Libya who have now revolted and are striving for democracy and individual freedoms. I feel that democracy is built on the assumption that things are beneficial to the community as a whole, and coming to a consensus is possible, but it fails if the special group is only looking out for #1 a nd doesnt care about anything else. So if each individual would take on the liberal ideology viewpoint which is to believe that the individual is the best judge of what is in his or her interest, so each person ought to be free to live as he or she wants so long as they do not choose to interfere with others freedom to live as they want to live. The ideology of liberalism promotes individual liberty by attempting to guarantee equal opportunity to all people within a tolerant society. With the opportunity of equality, an equal footing, the discrimination based on race, religion, or gender would be removed and people would have the ability to achieve their own success, if they adopt a liberal viewpoint. So why then would it be necessary to join a group to achieve the same opportunities as you could have maintaining your individuality? 3. Fascism is a political ideology which exalts a nation above the individual and is headed by a single leader of a centralized government which thru regimented force suppresses any opposition and controls the state economy and social conditions. Fascism is a good form of government because the nation is more powerful and sustainable through generations who are bound together by their common traditions and their commitment to build a better life. Fascism which is founded on the citizens duty and an individuals self sacrifice possibly even death is able to achieve the true value of a man as a member of his family, social group and nation, because the individual has no significance outside of their nation. Fascism enforces discipline and uses authority to mold mens characters and faith. Fascism affirms traditional values such as family values, religious faith, patriotism, social structure, honor, and traditional hard work. Fascism is an ideology of order and obedience where people fall in line with the single leadership, and do not question or criticize the State which makes sure the country runs smoothly, through the use of state spending and regulation of corporations. A fascist government institutes public works programs to build bridges, canals and roads, hospitals and schools all for the good of the nation state. A fascist government is organized on the theory that government should be run by representatives of the various centers of power in the state, such as Mussolinis policy of corporativism. What fascism is all about in an economic sense is the protection and regulation of capitalism through private ownership as the means of production for the nation. Fascism uses the power of the nation to protect and to stabilize the economy by bringing the major capitalists into a system of cooperation with each other so that economic conflict is reduced and through their cooperation stability is achieved. An example would be for a ruling council to be developed and include industrial leaders, union representatives, religious leaders, and military personnel. Having these leaders of power incorporated into the government, achieves a rapid consensus on matters more rapidly when a country needs to organize for a war or disaster relief. The nation can also become self-sufficient if the government has control over production and their profits. Fascism controls companies from manufacturing their products in foreign countries for a lower cost and then selling that product in their own country for a higher price and making a profit. Also keeping manufacturing jobs at home will provide employment to the nations people, reducing welfare and creating a strong economy. Under fascism, ownership of businesses is left in private hands, but the government regulates all businesses confiscating much of their profits and using them as the government decides, such as new roads, hospitals and schools, all for the good of the nation-state. The fascist system will also subsidize and regulate agriculture in order to achieve national self sufficiency. Another advantage of a fascist government is in the fight against terrorism. The nation controls the military under one leader and when needed, it is easy to have the leader decide that the military will control and operate everything and everyone that enters the country. Also crime in the nation can be greatly reduced, because the military can be used to patrol the streets and enforce obedience. True freedom for fascists is in serving the state and doing ones part to promote the states power and glory. One way of doing this is to create self sufficiency of the nation thru a strong military. To create a strong military, the nation promotes science, mathematics, and engineering in schools in order to develop better scientists who will be employed to build better weapons for the military. These corporations are given funding from the State. Consequently, the State will produce the most advanced technologies in the world, having the most advanced weapons and acting as a boom to the economy by providing a large number of jobs, making people happy and bolstering the support for their leader. Because the State plays an important role in the economy, the State protects and promotes industries which are vital to State interests. Also because a fascist government controls the economy, unemployment is reduced and social welfare programs can be instituted such as social health insurance . So to create a great Fascist state, it is simple; believe, obey and fight, against the enemies of the nation and this will bring glory to ones people as a leading power in the world. 5. As a conservative, I feel our rights come from God and not the government. So consequently, government should be limited as to what it does to solve a nations problems and the real emphasis should be placed on the individual to solve the problems through traditional American values, personal responsibility, individual liberty and free markets. So with that premise in place, I would like to explore some of the following issues from a conservative ideological perspective vs. a liberal ideological perspective. Liberals believe a woman has the right to decide what happens to her own body, including aborting a pregnancy. Liberals also believe that the government has the duty to protect human rights. I, as a conservative, believe human life begins at conception and that abortion is murder of a human being. An unborn baby is a living human being and has separate rights from those of their mother, thus the government should not use taxpayer dollars to fund abortions, as desired by liberals because that would not be protecting the human rights of the unborn, very hypocritical of liberals. Along those same lines, liberals want to legalize euthanasia. Neither abortion nor euthanasia should be legalized as it is immoral and unethical to deliberately end the life of a terminally ill person or an unborn human being. Taking an innocent life or that of a dying individual is murder, a capital offense in the United States, is punishable by death. Dont the liberals get it? Where is the moral code that is necessary to sustain a free society? If, liberals can justify using lethal force ending an innocent unborn life or a helpless elderly citizen. This does not seem to coincide with true Liberalism. Liberals support blanket amnesty for those who enter the United States illegally and want the undocumented immigrants to have the right to educational and health benefits that citizens receive. As a conservative, I dont want to stop people who immigrate to our country for a better life and benefits, because life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are God-given rights for every individual however, they should do so legally, otherwise they are placing an huge economic hardship on the United States by receiving benefits that legal citizens receive such as financial aid, welfare, and Medicaid because they are not of legal status. It is unfair to provide these services to illegal undocumented immigrants and make the true citizens support them through unfair taxation for these governmental programs. The United States borders should be secured and the immigration laws should be enforced for our countrys protection, security and economic survival. Liberals, in the best interest to citizens, want the government to regulate the economy as a protection against big business. However, having competition and a free market system creates the largest opportunity for a higher standard of living for everyone. When governments encourage individual efforts for entrepreneurial success and not oppose personal wealth, there is more economic growth, more jobs and a higher standard of living for all citizens then when government tries to regulate the economic system. Putting numerous controls in place to artificially direct the economy can create serious problems. Along these same lines, liberals think because people are getting wealthier, they should be taxed more to enable the government to help and care for the poor and needy using tax dollars from the rich to create jobs and welfare programs. However, the traditional American value of hard work allows the economy to grow and prosper, leaving the money in the hands of the people and by lowe ring taxes and a smaller government allows Americans to save more, invest and spend their money to help those that they want to aid and not at the direction of the government. Government programs to the needy should be opportunities to make them become self-reliant encouraging work and independence rather then encourage laziness and continued dependence on government funding. Liberals dont see terrorism as a great threat to the United States and feel the best way to deal with terrorism is good diplomacy and that using military force against terrorists only causes hatred and more terrorism. However, as can be seen by the radical Islamism ideology being anti-liberal and anti-individual and rejecting individual rights and rights against the larger society as in the U.S. Bill of Rights, as stated in our text book, pg. 291, seems to be a very strong division between the militant Islamists goal of establishing Islamic states that govern according to Islamic law and the destruction of Israel and an existing peaceful Western world. It seems that to ensure individual liberties, a strong military force to provide security for society and intelligence-gathering methods are the best way to defeat terrorism in the United States and around the world. I dont believe you can bargain with tyrants or terrorists. The conservative ideological perspective is best because it stands up for what is right, and exhibits the principles that have made America great such as the love of God, love of family, the work ethic, patriotism, and individual freedom. 6. According to Thomas Hobbes in his major work the Leviathan, the state of nature is a condition of perfect freedom in which no one had any authority over them and all individuals are equal-no one is born to hold a higher rank or status than anyone else -and have a natural right to do as they wish as per our text book on pg. 52. If this was how mankind existed before government, I believe life in this state of nature would be every man for himself and against each other, the survival of the fittest. Man would live but not the life as we know it; it would be very animalistic and primeval. Man would resolve disputes through violence and war would run rampart around the world. Disease would be prevalent, and technology would be non existent. Man is competitive and contentious, so he would be an enemy to every other man, there would be no industry, no culture, no knowledge, and no society and man would live in continual fear and danger of constant death. Because of the violence and uncertainty of life in the state of nature it would motivate people to form tribal leaders or governments. People would realize the need for peace and stability consequently they would seek a ruler or leader to govern them and in return the governing body would provide the peace and stability the people wanted as long as the laws of the government were abided, the people would then be free to pursue happiness without fear. Government is needed to provide stability and order, and protect the rights and liberties of the people. The purpose of government is to provide enough protection of life, liberty and property that individuals could enjoy these rights. Government creates order out of chaos, and punishes bad behavior but encourages moral behavior and tradition. Also governments provide needs for the community when these needs cannot be met by individuals. A government can play a major role in economic security by managing and regulating a countrys economy and stabilizing it for the benefit of its citizens. A government defines laws which establish equality and justice in a society. The government of a nation can provide basic health and education services for its citizens. Thus, government is like an umbrella that shields the citizens of a nation, while binding them together and helping them live in harmony. Governments are established with intent to increase the peoples potential for survival.

Tuesday, August 20, 2019

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe :: essays papers

The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe Communism is like Prohibition - it's a good idea but it won't work" (Will Rogers, 1927) (1) This essay will give a brief introduction to communism. It will then discuss the various factors which combined to bring about the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. It will examine each of these factors and evaluate the effect of each. Finally it will attempt to assertain whether Rogers' opinion (see above quotation) on Communism is true, that is, whether communism was truly doomed to fail from the start, or whether its collapse was a result of external influences. Communism is based on the ideas and teachings of Karl Marx as modified by Lenin. At its most basic, the ideal of communism is a system in which everyone is seen as equal and wealth is distributed equally among the people. There is no private ownership. The state owns and controls all enterprises and property. The state is run by one leading elite. The Soviet model of communism was based on these ideals. All opposition parties were banned although parties who were sympathetic to communism and who shared the communist ideals were allowed. All power was concentrated into the hands of the Communist party. Free press and civil liberties were suppressed. Censorship and propaganda were widely used. There was state ownership of the economy. No private enterprise was allowed. There was a collectivisation of agriculture. The Communist Party invaded and controlled every aspect of political, social, cultural and economic life. It was a totalitarian state with complete Communist control over all facets of life. In the early years, and up until Gorbachev's "new regime", the use of force and terror as a means of maintaining control was widespread. The first factor which contributed to the failure and eventual collapse of communism was the fact that the Communist party's domination was illegitimate from the beginning. Lenin came to power after a bloody Civil War between those who supported Lenin and those who opposed the Soviet regime. To Lenin, defeat was unthinkable and he was prepared to make any and every sacrifice to win the war and save "the revolution". The forcible requisitioning of food and supplies was approved by Lenin. This could only be achieved by enforcing strict and absolute discipline at every level of society. Terror was to become the chief instrument of power and Lenin was to assume the role of dictator. This was a phenomenon which was to become a symbol of communist regimes throughout their lifetime. This trend was followed when Stalin came to power as leader of the The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe :: essays papers The Collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe Communism is like Prohibition - it's a good idea but it won't work" (Will Rogers, 1927) (1) This essay will give a brief introduction to communism. It will then discuss the various factors which combined to bring about the collapse of Communism in Eastern Europe. It will examine each of these factors and evaluate the effect of each. Finally it will attempt to assertain whether Rogers' opinion (see above quotation) on Communism is true, that is, whether communism was truly doomed to fail from the start, or whether its collapse was a result of external influences. Communism is based on the ideas and teachings of Karl Marx as modified by Lenin. At its most basic, the ideal of communism is a system in which everyone is seen as equal and wealth is distributed equally among the people. There is no private ownership. The state owns and controls all enterprises and property. The state is run by one leading elite. The Soviet model of communism was based on these ideals. All opposition parties were banned although parties who were sympathetic to communism and who shared the communist ideals were allowed. All power was concentrated into the hands of the Communist party. Free press and civil liberties were suppressed. Censorship and propaganda were widely used. There was state ownership of the economy. No private enterprise was allowed. There was a collectivisation of agriculture. The Communist Party invaded and controlled every aspect of political, social, cultural and economic life. It was a totalitarian state with complete Communist control over all facets of life. In the early years, and up until Gorbachev's "new regime", the use of force and terror as a means of maintaining control was widespread. The first factor which contributed to the failure and eventual collapse of communism was the fact that the Communist party's domination was illegitimate from the beginning. Lenin came to power after a bloody Civil War between those who supported Lenin and those who opposed the Soviet regime. To Lenin, defeat was unthinkable and he was prepared to make any and every sacrifice to win the war and save "the revolution". The forcible requisitioning of food and supplies was approved by Lenin. This could only be achieved by enforcing strict and absolute discipline at every level of society. Terror was to become the chief instrument of power and Lenin was to assume the role of dictator. This was a phenomenon which was to become a symbol of communist regimes throughout their lifetime. This trend was followed when Stalin came to power as leader of the

Monday, August 19, 2019

Educating Americans About Islam Essay -- Terrorism Islam Islamic Essay

Educating Americans About Islam The events of September 11th 2001 created dramatic changes in the lives of peoples all across the globe. The devastating aftermath of the attacks of that day is never ending in the lives of most people – especially those who were personally affected by the horrific acts of terrorism. Muslims, in particular, have had to experience the backlashes of the September 11th events. An already misunderstood and misrepresented group of people have, in addition, had to deal with incredible biases, bigotry, misdirected hate, and religious intolerance. Many Americans who, unjustly, attack the religion of Islam and its faithful followers are, in reality, very ignorant on the subject of Islam and the beliefs of the religion. Their ignorance, fear, and need to find blame after such a traumatic event blind them from their own false stereotypes and generalizations, and they justify their own prejudice. This paper will first describe misconceptions of Islam that existed prior to the Septe mber 11th attacks and will then go on to describe how those negative stereotypes, along with the need to find blame, have caused many Muslims-Americans to experience incredible bias and discrimination, solely based on their religious beliefs. Americans, for many years, have misunderstood the nature and beliefs of Islam and the practices of its followers. The democratic values and ideals that are held sacred in the United States often skew the American peoples’ perceptions of foreign cultures and customs. In trying to understand the practices of Islam, Americans are often times unable to view Islamic traditions without being influenced by their own Western biases. Preconceived notions and stereotypes are continually ... ..., March 5, 2002. 6. â€Å"Southern Baptist Leadership Chose to Spew Hate,†, June 24, 2002. 7. Vicki Silverman, â€Å"Muslim Americans Support Anti-Terrorism Campaign,†, October 8, 2001. 8. Susan Domowitz, â€Å"American Muslim Leaders Condemn Terrorism, Defend Muslims’ Civil Rights,†, September 18, 2001. 9. â€Å"Poll: Majority of U.S. Muslims Suffered Post-9/11 Bias,† pdf, August 21, 2002. 10. â€Å"CAIR Report: American Muslims One Year after 9/11,†, September 2, 2002.

Sunday, August 18, 2019

A Tale of Two Cities Essays: The Character of Lucie Manette :: Tale Two Cities Essays

The Character of Lucie Manette in A Tale of Two Cities Lucie Manette, in A Tale of Two Cities by Charles Dickens, is a quiet young woman. She is deeply compassionate but never develops a real believable character. Her feelings, which are similar in all cases, are revealed to us when she interacts with her father Dr. Manette, Charles Darney, and Sydney Carton. During the scene in the shoemaker's shop the reader learns about daughter Manette through description, actions, and her words. First off, we picture her slowly coming out of the darkness. Next she is described as young, with golden hair, and a dress. Her words are the main point of study, though. The reader has been drawn in by the first superficial description and now we expect that her words will build a strong character in Lucie. Her words however, may be important to the revival of Dr. Manette, but do not create a real, strong, true-to-life character. The comforting words are just a bad sentimental melodrama and she says, "weep for it, weep for it!," over and over. Miss Manette's conversation with Carton is a similar type of conversation in which she reassures Carton several times. The line "If that will be a consolation to you", is a summary of the conversation between Carton and Lucie. Lucie Manette is at the center of the group in Soho, a suburb of London. Because Lucie is a main character we expect her to be in the middle of gatherings. Miss Pross says that hundreds of people visit Lucie, an exageration but still many pay visit to her house in Soho. Because Lucie's character is not fully developed and because we don't fully know her, we are left wondering what part of her character, or personality, makes her so attractive to everyone.

Saturday, August 17, 2019

Literary Techniques in “The Things They Carried”

A literary technique is a device employed in literature to add depth to a writer’s work. These techniques can be obvious, such as the technique of rhyme in a poem, or subtle, such as juxtaposition, which can go unnoticed by the reader. In The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien uses many such techniques to provide more depth to his book. Four literary techniques used by Tim O’Brien are symbolism, pathetic fallacy, irony, and juxtaposition. One literary technique prominent in The Things They Carried, particularly in the story by the same name, is symbolism. Throughout this story, O’Brien mentions all the things that the soldiers carry with them, both physical and emotional. However, the physical items that the men carried is more than just equipment- they are symbols that represent various facets of each soldier’s personality. For example, â€Å"Rat Kiley carried†¦ morphine and plasma and malaria tablets and surgical tape†¦ and all the things a medic must carry, including M&M’s for especially bad wounds† (O’Brien 5). The fact that Kiley carried medical necessities shows that he is a good paramedic devoted to doing his job well, but the M&M’s represent something different- Kiley’s optimistic and kind outlook on the war and life in general. Conversely, the tranquilizers carried by Ted Lavender represent his terror of the fighting in the war and his inability to face reality, rather choosing to escape from it by taking drugs. This is an effective technique because, by using these symbols, O’Brien can let the reader figure out for him/herself deeper aspects of certain characters’ personalities without actually stating them outright. Another literary device Tim O’Brien employs is pathetic fallacy, or nature mirroring humans’ emotions. In the story Speaking of Courage, Norman Bowker attempts to save Kiowa’s life but fails. He becomes depressed and remorseful about what he should have been able to accomplish. For a long time afterward, Bowker struggles with the fact that he was â€Å"braver than he ever thought possible, but†¦ not so brave as he wanted to be† (153); he is overcome with sadness and guilt. This is reflected in the weather at the time of Kiowa’s death. The soldiers were camping out in a field along the Song Tra Bong, and â€Å"the rain kept getting worse. And by midnight the field turned into soup† (145). The rain emulates the emotions of the weary and despondent soldiers. Pathetic fallacy is a very useful technique because it helps to provide the tone for the story. If the story was a sad one but the weather was bright and sunny, the tone of the story would be wrong, and vice versa. In Speaking of Courage, the fact that it was raining during the main event of the story helps the reader gain and understanding of just how bleak and dismal the events that occurred were. Irony, or a discrepancy between expectation and reality, is another literary technique used by Tim O’Brien in The Things They Carried. Many of the titles of the stories contain irony themselves. For example, Speaking of Courage is more centred on the themes of failure and the inability to be courageous than it is about courage. The story Love is not, as it would seem, about mutual love, but rather unrequited love. Field Trip, an expression with a usually very positive connotation, is a story about a visit to a battleground where many lives had been lost. The Story How to Tell a True War Story also contains much irony within it. The main point of this story is that a true war story cannot be told because the simple act of telling it makes it untrue. The title of this story is ironic- O’Brien makes the reader think that he wants to instruct them how to tell a true war story, but the reader soon finds out O’Brien’s real intention- that telling a true war story is impossible. Another ironic idea within this story is the idea that war can be beautiful. You hate it, yes, but your eyes do not. Like a forest fire, like cancer under a microscope, any battle†¦ has†¦ a powerful, implacable beauty† (81). This catches the reader off-guard because of how greatly it contrasts with the view of war we have been previously given. He continues to say that, â€Å"a true war story will tell the truth about this, though the truth is ugly† (81). This is very ironic because although the actual event may be beautif ul, if a true story is told about it, the story is ugly. This adds to O’Brien’s point that telling a story, even a true one, can only take away from the truth of the event. Using irony, O’Brien can present his message in a creative an interesting way, and this helps the readers understand his point better. Another technique used by Tim O’Brien is juxtaposition. The story The Lives of the Dead seems to be a bit of a non-sequitur to the rest of the book, however, O’Brien has put it where it is for a reason. The point of The Things They Carried is not simply to tell stories about the Vietnam War- the lesson goes deeper than that. It comes to teach that war is about more than just fighting- it is about the connection between life and death. It is about learning to detach oneself from death. It is about the sacredness and fragility of life. It is about so many things that many people never have to experience. But the Vietnam War is not O’Brien’s first time coming into contact with these kinds of issues. As a child, he had a beloved friend named Linda who died of cancer. Linda’s death was a major part of his growing up process. As a child, he already had to learn to distance himself from her death, saying, â€Å"It didn’t seem real†¦ the girl lying in the white casket wasn’t Linda† (241). And although he did not realize it at the time, her death helped him to deal with all the deaths he encountered in the war. For example, when Curt Lemon dies, O’Brien refuses to see his body as a friend who died. Instead he says, â€Å"his body was not really a body, but rather one small bit of waste in the midst of a much wider wastage† (238). The lessons that O’Brien learned as a child are very relevant and linked to his experiences in the Vietnam War, which is why he chooses to include The Lives of the Dead. But this is not the only message that O’Brien wants us to take out of the inclusion The Lives of the Dead in The Things They Carried- he wants to convey that even though something that happens in one’s life may seem horrible and meaningless, it may become of use to him or her later in life, and it may help him or her to get through an otherwise unmanageable time. O’Brien wants his reader to know that everything in life comes for a purpose. Throughout The Things They Carried, Tim O’Brien makes use of many different literary techniques. In the story The Things They Carried, O’Brien uses symbolism. In Speaking of Courage, the literary technique is pathetic fallacy. Irony is used in How to Tell a True War Story, among others, and juxtaposition is used in the story The Lives of the Dead. It can be seen that literary techniques have a simple but powerful effect in The Things They Carried.