Monday, September 30, 2019

Trifles Susan Glaspell Irony Symbolism Theme

Elizabeth NolanNovember 24, 2012 English essay Favorite Play â€Å"Trifles†, a play by Susan Gaspell, is a story of women banding together to protect one another in a male dominated society. The play is titled â€Å"Trifles† because women’s concerns were often considered mere trifles, and not worth the thought and time of men. The use of theme, symbolism, and irony are the reasons why this play is so appealing, especially to women. â€Å"Trifles† contains themes of female identity, revenge, and protection.The protagonists of the play are women, but they are not known by their first names. They are only called by their husbands’ name. It is only when they speak of Mrs. Wright before her marriage that she is called Minnie. The men believe that the women are small-minded and assume the identities of their husbands. Minnie Wright was a vibrant, outgoing young lady. After her marriage to John Wright, the light in her dimmed until she was nothing but a sh ell of her former self.He took away her self worth, making her life with him unbearable. This is the reason she snapped and murdered her husband. Mrs. Hale and Mrs. Peters discover evidence that the men could not. They approached the house as a home instead of a crime scene. The women identified with Mrs. Wright after piecing the story together and decided to keep the evidence that would convict her to themselves. By protecting her, they are standing up for women everywhere. Mrs.Wrights pet canary is a symbol of herself. She had once been a beautiful girl with a nice singing voice, but her marriage to John Wright was like a cage. She was secluded from others and treated poorly by him. The bird was her only source of happiness in her cold, lonely life. When john strangled the bird, he killed the last part of Mrs. Wright that was Minnie Foster. He had taken away her only comfort in life, and this is why she decided to strangle him with the rope.

Sunday, September 29, 2019

Sex Online

This lecture is really an intro to the course. It defines the act of sex as the â€Å"exchanging of genetic data by two organisms for procreation. † This lecture also challenges our ways of thinking about sex as more than Just an act of procreation, but also as an act with social, political, mental, and personal complications. From strictly an evolutionary perspective, the goal of our genes Is to have as many babies as possible, through the act of sex.This lecture tells us sex has never Just been about babies (although they do allow for a kind of immortality and free labor) but also has o do with culture. Lecture 2- Fertility Tech This lecture begins to transcend Into the discussion of sex and technology. Technology comes from the Greek word techno, which means â€Å"Knowledge around a way of doing something. † This lecture also discusses the early forms of sex tech, specifically fertility control through herbs, abstinence through calendar manipulation (also known as th e rhythm method introduced by SST.Augustine, 4th Century), and acupuncture. This lecture also discusses the economic effects on fertility, such as the requirement of money to support a child. Culture was fluid and open. Homosexual relationships with young boys were considered fine in Greg Lecture 3- Why do we do It? This lecture clarifies the argument, that even In ancient times sex was not always for procreation. Early times were less hung up on sex. After human environments began to become heavily agricultural, sex did undergo a change that saw sex as something that should be controlled, or even saved for marriage.Still, sex in ancient times was still used much like it Is today, for pleasure. Condoms made of animal bladders, women using preemptively forms of lipstick, and all types of masturbation and roof sex demonstrate that In regards to the act of sex Itself, not much has changed. Sex in modern and ancient times was/is performed for pleasure, for ritualistic cultural purposes, for money, power, and even in situations where it was/is forced. Lecture 4- The Classical World This lecture discusses sex In the classical world. It talks about sex In ancient viewed abroad.Sexual practices across these different places were not shared, especially the tech that was used for sex. For example, in 800-B. C China, sex manuals were popular for men AND women, yet, in Greece sex was considered a more male entered-power act, in which the penetrator had the power. In Iran, sex was more strictly controlled, versus India and China where the sexual CE, as young boys didn't yet have the â€Å"power. † Lecture 5- World religions and Sex Religions that came out of the Classical Period, sought to control sex.Into the Middle Ages, the main religions all agreed sex needed to be controlled, and saved for marriage (save the Hindus, they didn't have the same kind of restrictions). Paul really started the move towards Church control of Sex (1st Corinthians), but his views were s kewed by a belief Armageddon was coming within a few years. The Christian churches' belief in sexual control stems from Chrism's obvious display of a lack of sexuality (some argue Christ had kids. In other religions such as Buddhism, monks also abstained from sex( before priests did).When settlers came to the New World, they viewed Native American men as feminine and weak for their dress and homosexual acceptance, and the women as objects of great sexual passion for their open sexuality. Yet, before world religions became overarching, religion and sex was intermixed ( in Hellenic Greece, Syria and Babylon, India, and Nepal, temple prostitutes were used). Even cults (such as the Oneida Commune) sex was controlled with communal control over fertility and children, yet, sex was free and open. So, is religion considered a technology? The answer is basically, yes.Lecture 6- Pre-Electric Erotic Communication Tech This lecture discusses sex technology, the earliest of which was used for co mmunication purposes(cave paintings). Some of the earliest cave paintings depicted sex! Along with paintings, devices such as the Venus(clay statue emphasizing big boobs and vulva) and even ancient dildos display sex tech and communication is as old as humanity itself. This lecture really pushes the point that every technology (paintings, stone mastery) was eventually put towards some sexual use, even ask years ago. First uses of any medium, are often erotic.This is displayed by sexual magazines made of papyrus in ancient Turin, Chinese art, and Japanese Shunts. Early erotic messages in Bibles (known as â€Å"Books of ours†) also demonstrate that as early as printing and engraving processes were created, they were used to create erotica. Lecture 7- Mass Sex Tech With the creation of printing presses and engraving machines came social change. Due to the high cost of owning a book, early erotic books and porn pieces were only for the wealthy and elite. Some art pieces, (specifi cally by Marquis De Side) were â€Å"art. The use of sexual art was also used for comedy (Romans thought huge penises were hilarious). Like any technology, when it was first created it was expensive. Yet, as things like printing and photography ( the first Polaroid camera) pornography began to become cheaper and easiest to create. At first, porn was thought only appropriate for wealthy men, as it might corrupt the poorer lower classes, yet, as cameras and elm became cheaper, porn began to drive the tech market. Many argue the Polaroid camera and VS. were huge successes because of the want to make pornography in a discreet, private settings.Lecture 8- PEP Networks Mass communication in regards to sex started simply as person-to-person communication. Love letters were probably the earliest forms of sexual PEP communication, followed by personal nude photos, and phone sex. Once operators were removed from phone lines, it became possible for people to have private phone sex. With phone sex, came the centralization of phone sex though sex lines. The dead of this lecture is to establish the idea that phone-sex, and virtual sex happen in a space where both participants aren't. Out of the PEP networks, would eventually spawn the porn industry as we know today. Y. At this time, internet downloads took forever, which is why the classic â€Å"Porno Movie† took hold. These were typically well funded films that created â€Å"stars† who appeared in more than one video. Yet, the internet began to change all of this in the ass's, as download times began to be reduced, and videos and images could be shared via the web. From videotape, porn moved to DVD, then finally to digital online). Lecture 9- The Industry The sass really started pornography as an industry, not Just a private PEP network. With technology advancing in forms of film, VS., and cameras, porn also advanced as an industry.With movies like â€Å"Deep Throat† porn began to become commonplace i n the theater, and would eventually move even into hotel rooms (pay- per-view). With more premiership, Porn began to make more money, became mass produced. Currently, the porn industry is struggling due to technological advances on the web. How do sex online differ from prostitution? Is it the same? Lecture 10- The Sex-Tech Nexus This lecture is a summary of what we Just learned. It asks us to re-think the outcomes, and what counts as sex are difficult to measure and vary.Module 1 Readings: 1 . Coppersmith: Pornography and the Internet Two main arguments -In the last 2 decades consumers of porn have accelerated the diffusion of new communication technologies like the VS. & CD-Room by becoming early buyers and users, thereby providing a profitable market for newly introduced services – Waves of new communication technologies have affected porn in ways as revolutionary as any other area of society The article focuses on the idea of the â€Å"demagnification of orangeroot' by r educing entry and transaction costs.Porn has served as an agent of change for both innovation and quest for profits. Video porn provided customers with a product to Justify acquiring costly equipment (VS.) and accelerated the diffusion of new technology without shaping it. Cyberspace attracted users to browse the internet and increased their knowledge of the system. Porn products have shaped computer technology by pushing the technological and commercial envelope. 2.Hughes: The Internet and Sex Industries From the introduction video, when thinking about the arguments made by Hughes, e able to take a stance and have information that would reinforce her arguments, or counter (thinking this could be a potential essay/short answer question Just throwing it out there) 3. Wallace: Greek Kings of Smut At first the invention of the internet was great to the porn industry, but as the years have went by, it has become detrimental. Now, there are not as many people buying porn because so many websites give you access to free porn these days.These amateur sites that offer free porn are even pirating from professional sites, and it is hard for them to stop this from happening because it occurs so often. . Dibbled: A rape in cyberspace The discussion of a textual rape that took place on a early form on an online community called Lampoon. A character named Bindle (SP? ) virtually raped 2 other characters in an open living room space. Brought about questions of Just because this took place online, do it dismiss the crime committed against the avatars.The Lampoon community was brought together to discuss Just that, and what the punishment should be for the rape in cyberspace, which was a proposed â€Å"toadying† or banishing that character. Also discussed about individuals real connections with setting proportions. Ultimately, the community came together to form a type of government to deal with such issues, and the resulting punishment for Bindle was toadying. 5. Avide r: Waller: A Freudian Analysis of Setting Fantasy is not only an imitation of one's relationship with reality, but it is also a different relationship to a world that's entirely different.Setting becomes an alternate reality. 6. Ross: Typing, Doing, and Being The increasing salience of sexuality on the internet, whether cyberspace or use of the internet to make sexual contacts, has focused interest n how internet-mediated sexuality informs social theory. This article reviews social theory and sexuality in relation to the internet, with specific reference to the development of intimacy, the association of texts with sexual scripts, the emergence of accessibility as a sexual space midway between fantasy and action, and the question of boundaries and the location of the person in sexual interaction.Also, the supplanting of the real by the symbolic, the internet as a sexual marketplace, its important role in creating sexual communities, particularly where sexual behavior or density is s tigmatize, its impact as a new arena for sexual experience and experimentation, and its impact in shaping sexual culture and sexual- TTY are noted. Finally, the importance of the internet as a medium for the exploration of human sexuality and as an opportunity to illuminate previously challenging areas of sexual research is discussed.Quiz 1 Questions and Answers Question: Giddiness argues that all but one of the following have led to new reflexivity and plasticity of our sexual identities? Which of these influences was NOT included in Giddiness' ideas? Answer: The Internet. Which of these does Ross argue lead to the success of cyberspace on the internet, but the ultimate demise of phone sex, despite the similarities between the two. Text allows you to distance yourself more from your statements about preferences or desires when compared with voice.Which of the following does Ross suggest may be possible effects of sex online? Answers: Cyberspace becomes a new niche of sexual behavio r. There is an expansion of sexual possibilities and partners made available to users. People will feel freer to experiment with alternative sexual experiences in a stigma- ere environment and learn more about themselves. The borders of where we consider ourselves and our bodies may change in unpredictable ways. At least two of our readings this module suggest that the internet provides a space for consequence free exploration of identity.Mr.. Bungle also made this claim. How does Dibbled Judge his comment? He suggests that the â€Å"it's only play† excuse is available only to newbie's and sociopaths. Others come to have a closer connection to their online personae. The New York Magazine article suggests that the online adult industry is hurting. What do most in the industry attribute this to? Tube sites and amateur. Module 2- This lecture is an intro about specific parts of pornography. Specifically, rule 34-if it exists there is porn about it.The idea behind Rule 34 is abou t community, meaning if someone likes a weird porn, odds are there are others that like it too(even if those numbers are small). Within this intro, is also an intro for the topics of future lectures in regards to extreme porn, horror porn, rape porn, snuff and the large variety of different pornographers. Lecture 2- Manipulating Intimacy This lecture starts the discussion about intimacy, and its relation to sex. Sex is arguably the most intimate a human can be with another person, yet online sex manipulates this intimacy.Eric Gong in her book, A Fear of Flying, discusses the idea of the Zippers buck, a pure buck that has no power game, nothing is taken or given, there is no humiliation, and there is nothing to prove. However, the Zippers buck according to Gong is as rare as a unicorn, and begs the question, does it even exist? Sex without intimacy is the main idea of this lecture, and whether or not it's even possible. Things like swingers clubs, bathhouses (1 5th century) and anony mous sex presented early forms of sex without intimacy, or â€Å"baggage† so to speak.While detached sex is not a product of the internet, it has become a cultural part of it. In terms of anonymous sex, there is not much social consequences as identity remains hidden, whereas actual-biological sex comes with the possibility of disease and such. The internet and things like phone sex allow for users to take on an identity, partake in sexual activity, and leave, whereas an online performer is not anonymous. In summary, the complexity of online sex is tied to identity, and anonymity. Lecture 3- Texts Is text interactive? Yes.In the early days of the internet when images were not possible, text was the main way of communication sexual speak. Coatrooms known as MUD'S and Moon's, allowed for people to gather in basic chat rooms and talk. These talks could often become sexual in nature, especially with questions like SSL (age, sex, location). Texts is also seen in romance novels for example, and even in sexual fan- fiction known as Slash. Virtual engagement programs like Cork and Elise created bots that could talk, which was then turned into a sexual chatterbox.These early MUD'S and bots paved the way for online sexual communities, Lecture 4- Pictures Online From text, came the first online pictures created using text. Images of a nude picture would be created using type writer, and when connected to a computer, could be shown to others around the web. FTP (file transfer protocol) allowed users to share a file on an FTP server. Users were then able to download and share various images, some scanned from magazines and even some slash fiction. These early FTP servers created early marketplaces for porn, and early porn sharing services (think Egan taking pictures directly for web consumption.But how did people find these sites? The answer was early search engines. Search engines like Google rose to prominence for their ability to cut through massive amounts of po rn related searches on the early internet and show users only subjects they wanted to search for. Tags, (thumbnail gallery post) were sort of online magazines, that websites tried to trick Search Engines and users to clicking on, driving traffic to early web pages. Lecture 5- Video Due to the slow download speed of videos, it took a while for videos to hit the internet.Yet, with the increase of bandwidth, small-stamp size videos eventually made their way onto the net. Early programs for video feed (Consume) allowed users to see one another, in slow frame-by-frame speed. With the explosion of the internet in 95†², early WebMD sites like Jenny Cam took off, drawing viewers and eventually money from complete strangers. What started with porn images, moved to videos in the late ass's as file compression, and the web itself advanced. Lecture 6- Mobile The idea of mobile pornography was not very popular early on.Yet, the mobile phone itself also grew as a result of pornography. Cell phones started with phone sex, and then grew to locative technology (tinder, grind etc). Cell phones allowed social life and internet life to mix, and at the same time created a mobile, private sexual place for people to explore. The gradual growth of mobile technology allowed for connections to be made that were sexual in nature. The main point of this lecture is that phones mixed online sexuality, and social culture. Lecture 7- Community Module 2 Readings: 1 .Fiddle: Indentured Servitude (Gizmo Article)- This article discusses chemicals and how some can make tons of money, and how there make little to no money. It's easy to get into this industry if you own a computer and are willing to show off your body to anyone willing to pay. Websites like Embraces make it easy for the people who own them to launder money because nobody actually knows where the money goes because it's hard to track it. 2. Passion: Labors of Love, Network This article talks about the transformation of porn onl ine. There were sex wars in the feminists have said porn identifies women as being subjected to violence.Moral conservatives says it is faith and morally decaying in any social or cultural value. Network refers to pornographers specific to online platforms and networks. This article talks about two very different forms of new porn and amateurism; network and porn on the net. Network refers to a more grassroots pornography movement in â€Å"which online technologies restructure the pornographic, porn on the net refers to the recycling of the same old pornographic images and texts from print media, video, and film on the internet† – Porn on the net also can include â€Å"gone' porn.Alt porn & mature porno are submerges of network: both â€Å"shift roles of porn consumers and producers within the framework of Web 2. † An example of ALT Porn is Suicide Girls. ALT is normally â€Å"soft-core† porn; typically included with â€Å"exhibition of non-standard sub culture styles† It is considered the answer against mainstream porn; not Just in esthetics but in the business model used. 3. Rookie: Beyond Key Parties and Wife Swapping 4.Rubber: Getting Started with Sex in Second-Life – This article talks about the gaming website called Second-Life. It is a virtual world in which people can meet anonymously and have cyberspace with each other. Cyberspace can be 100% text based or you can use avatars that you create perform the sex acts.. Members can become anyone they want, selecting enhanced, or different body parts, clothes, hairstyles, and personalities that they wish they had, or simply play with an alter-ego.Members navigate the site much like a game, but this is in order to meet different members. Once you meet and chat with another member, you can engage in virtual sex with that member, and they rarely say no. Second Life sex is a combination of the visual and the verbal. Players strip their avatars down to their cyber skin, u se pose balls (those floating orbs placed in romantic areas throughout he virtual world) to animate them into various sex acts, and keep up with the whole thing in IM.There's even a third option: climbable body parts attached to the avatars. These nipples, slits, penises, etc. Can be â€Å"touched† Just by clicking on them. Since the parts monitor the avatar's â€Å"arousal,† avatars can even orgasm this way. 5. Sutherland: Journalist or Panderer? This article talks about the online threat of websites used by minors. In the article the boy Justine Berry who was 13 at the time when got his first WebMD in which he was lured by sexual predators into striping, touching himself while they watched.

Saturday, September 28, 2019

Human Rights Law - Protection of the Environment and Environmental Essay

Human Rights Law - Protection of the Environment and Environmental Rights through Criminal Law - Essay Example Environmental pollution has been an issue of concern over the recent years. History has been a crucial witness to many deliberate acts aimed at destroying the natural environment so as to achieve strategic objectives (Vanderheiden, 2012). Accidental causes also have a fair portion of the blame for environmental pollution. In recent years there have been very serious accidents resulting in massive environmental damage. (Dinar, 2011). A negotiation drafted to serve as a General Assembly Resolution on the protection of the environment is the first step of a solution process to mitigate serious environmental damage regardless of whether it is deliberate or accidental. The resolution determinates the jus puniendi of the States and acts as a harmonizing mechanism of the environmental criminal law of the States (Chowdhury, 2010). Discussion Member States of the General Assembly are responsible for coming up with a resolution, calling for the protection of the environment through internation al criminal law. This resolution aims at discouraging acts causing or likely to cause environmental damage. ... ‘Unlawful’ means infringing a law or a decision taken by a competent authority that aims to prevent environmental damage (Davis, 2007). The resolution is open to signature for both the developing and the developed countries and shall enter into force immediately after the Member States have expressed their consent to be bound by it. Though the resolution is aimed at protecting the environment through international criminal law, it should not affect the rights and undertakings derived from international multilateral conventions concerning special matters (Castree, 2005). According to Ultima Ratio Principle and criminal law intervention, criminal law is the last legal weapon capable of defending the interests of the society. In the preamble, the ultima ratio criminal law principle claims that, while the prevention of the impairment of the environment must be achieved through other measures, international criminal law has an important part to play in protecting the environm ent (Kutz, 2005). International criminal law plays a crucial role as it controls small-scale, large-scale and individual polluters. It helps to prevent further environmental destruction, and avoids over burdening of civil and administrative law with criminal provisions. Its responsibility provides an added incentive for individuals to refrain from conduct that may be harmful to the environment by emphasizing its culpable character and by allowing more stringent enforcement measures to be imposed (Cocks, 2009). Individual states should be responsible for the protection of the environment even though the resolution is agreed at in a convention. A state cannot plead provisions or deficiencies of its own law in answer to a claim against it for any

Friday, September 27, 2019

Reflection for a year living on the brink Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Reflection for a year living on the brink - Essay Example He is convinced that the current regime has failed to address escalating tax rates, the failure of the current Obama regime to revive the economy through the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act. The article is interesting because it addresses the ailing economic situation in United States and the world at large. The author investigates the possible causes of the economic stability such as entrusting financial duties to central banks and previous systems that capitalized on labor protection at the expense of job creation. Though the failing economic failure can be solved through a change in regime, countries should address the economic anxiety with practical financial policies. A financial system that empowers all taxpayers is one of the potential ways of improving the current economic situation. An able leader combined practical financial or economic policies can revive the economy of United States and the foreign systems that depend on it. However, the crises should not be addressed in general but the measures should be customized for each economy. Henninger reveals that Chancellor Gerhard Schroder reformed German labor market successfully in

Thursday, September 26, 2019

Discourse analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words

Discourse analysis - Essay Example The essay concentrates on scout since she is a key character as well as portraying the author when she was young as well as when she grew up and came to understand the various things that were different for her to understand when she was young. Prejudice is defined as an opinion on an individual that is usually based solely on religion or race before even all the facts are known (Johnson 1994). This essay will seek to explain the various instances of prejudice that are shown in the book especially those that touch on Tom Robinson, Boo Radley and Atticus Finch since they are the key characters in the book. I will also have a look at aunt Alexandria and her role in the book. She was introduced in the story as a defender of the tried and tested status quo in the southern society that the book was set in. The novel I used to work on this essay has no published Coda. The discourse analysis is on Lee Harper’s To Kill a Mockingbird hence this will be the principle form of literature in this narrative. The other books played a mostly supplementary role to this book. I also intend to make use of Understanding to Kill a Mockingbird: A Student Casebook to Issues, Sources, and Historic Documents. This will be of help to me since it pinpoints the main issues in the novel such as racism and prejudice which are the main topics of the narrative. This makes it much easier to understand and critique where necessary as I read along. Zakrzweski Janelle’s Reading Race: Exploring Racial Themes in to Kill a Mockingbird will also be particularly useful since race is the most critical issue in this book as it was written in the thick of the civil rights movement in the south. The book resonated with the prevailing mood in the society. The study of identity plays a significant role in modern sociological thought. I had to come up with the various ident ities in the narrative and this was helped by going through Karen Cerulo’s essay titled Identity Construction: New

Wednesday, September 25, 2019

Othello's tragic Flaw Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Othello's tragic Flaw - Essay Example The jealousy he feels makes him insane, and he fails to look for solid reasons. It seems that it is Brabantio’s warning â€Å"Look to her, Moor, if thou hast eyes to see†¦She has deceived her father, and may thee† (Act I, Scene 3) that makes Iago realize the possibility of great revenge. As Othello says â€Å"My life upon her faith; Honest Iago† (Act I, Scene 3), Iago becomes almost certain about the outcome. It is very evident that even this declaration adds to the basic jealous nature of Othello. As Iago develops his plan, this jealousy grows deeper and deeper. Though Othello continuously goes on denying his growing jealousy, mere hints from the part of Iago make him say that â€Å"No Iago†¦I’ll see before I doubt†¦when I doubt, prove†¦and on the proof, there is no more but this, †¦away at once with love or jealousy† (Act III, Scene 3). At this point, jealousy overcomes him with such a force that he delves into a fit of ep ilepsy. Soon, one can see a conversion of his jealousy into anger as he says â€Å"Arise, black vengeance, from thy hollow cell! Yield up, O love, thy crown and hearted throne, to tyrannous hate!† Soon, he accuses Desdemona of infidelity. Though she denies it, his mind is unchangeable. As Emilia points out â€Å"But jealous souls will not be answered so; they are not ever jealous for the cause, But jealous for they are jealous: ‘tis a monster Begot upon itself, born on itself† (Act III, Scene 4). Soon, Othello decides to kill her saying â€Å"let her rot, and perish, and be damned to-night, for she shall not live: no, my heart is turned to stone† (Act IV, Scene 1). However, Emilia’s statement that Desdemona is honest makes Othello confused. He seems a man too confused to think rationally as he attempts to get any proof. Through Iago’s brainwashing, he seems more eager to find fault in Desdemona than to prove her innocence. Despite her repeate d question â€Å"what ignorant sin have I committed?† (Act IV, Scene 2), he goes on blaming her. Sooner, he kills Desdemona. The play reveals the power of jealousy. Iago is driven by Jealousy. In other words, it is jealously that makes Iago develop the plot to devastate Othello. Again, he uses the same element of jealousy in Othello to bring his idea into practice. It is this content of jealousy that makes Othello feel violated and betrayed. When one feels betrayed, there are two possible outcomes; either the person turns revengeful or the person becomes depressed. In the case of Othello, he has the power to implement what he wants to do. In addition, he is a man who believes in righteousness. So, as a warrior, he is not ready to given in. Instead, he decides to do justice in his own way. It seems that Shakespeare presents the tragic hero Othello with a number of personality defects, or, indeed as a representative of a common human being who is ruled by feelings of insecurity , jealousy, hate, and revenge. The entire play is driven by the fact that he shows blind faith in the loyalty of Iago who is the real villain. However, it is rather surprising to note that he fails to show the same level of blind faith in Desdemona. Here, it becomes evident that when it comes to the matter of Desdemona, he is influenced by other factors too. He is influenced by a number of feelings at the same time. The strongest ones are his love for Desdemona. However, as time passes, jealousy gains upper hand. Soon, it gets

Tuesday, September 24, 2019

Dells Competitive Strategies And Supply Chain Dissertation

Dells Competitive Strategies And Supply Chain - Dissertation Example Founded by Michael Dell in the mid-1980s, Dell computers is one of the leading computer technology corporations in the world. At the height of the technology boom of the early 1990s, Dell reached a level where it had grown too large too fast to a point that it had to make radical internal changes to stay profitable. The company’s rock bottom was in 1993 when it lost a considerable portion of its market share, saw its cash flow and net income drop to $20 million and negative $ 40 million respectively. This called for rapid strategic changes to keep the organization afloat.  The company created a lasting profitability strategy through three major elements of; virtual integration, true value customer service features and having tailor-made manufacturing to meet specific customer needs. When Dell initiated computer sales through its website in 1996, it was an industry first, and when it expanded its line of products to include televisions, printer and audio players in 2002, the company had, in essence, the path of diversification aimed at sustaining profitability.   These events coupled with the organization’s three pillars of sustainable profitability saw it hold the spot of the largest seller of PCs worldwide in 2004 at 17.9% in 2004 up from the previous year’s 16.7%, followed closely by HP at 15.8%. For a company that saw negative net income 10 years ago, this market share was quite impressive. A macro-environment is the total sum of external factors that have the influence on a business.... ?s rock bottom was in 1993 when it lost a considerable portion of its market share, saw its cash flow and net income drop to $20 million and negative $ 40 million respectively. This called for rapid strategic changes to keep the organization afloat and that is exactly what Dell did. The company created a lasting profitability strategy through three major elements of; virtual integration, true value customer service features and having tailor made manufacturing to meet specific customer needs. When Dell initiated computer sales through its website in 1996, it was an industry first, and when it expanded its line of products to include televisions, printer and audio players in 2002, the company had in essence the path of diversification aimed at sustaining profitability. These events coupled with the organization’s three pillars of sustainable profitability saw it hold the spot of the largest seller of PCs worldwide in 2004 at 17.9% in 2004 up from the previous year’s 16.7 %, followed closely by HP at 15.8%. For a company that saw negative net income 10 years ago, this market share was quite impressive. Chapter 2: Theory of business and competitive strategy A macro-environment is the total sum of external factors that have influence on a business. These factors are usually beyond the control of an organization’s management and range from demographic, political, and technological to economic forces. Economic forces in this environment include demand and supply, the amount of competition in a market segment, economic resources available and the efficiency of production methods adopted by an organization (Hatten, 2012: P91). Each of the mentioned economic forces have an impact on both an organization’s production output and possible profit margin from the goods

Monday, September 23, 2019

Measuresure of Organizational Performance Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Measuresure of Organizational Performance - Essay Example It is thus imperative that measures of organizational performance are incorporate into the hospital’s objectives to meet this anticipated increase in patients. Therefore, it is important that quality and effectiveness measures be taken into consideration. Ensuring that quality and effectiveness in service delivery is not compromised, will aid in making future projections of the number of inpatient and outpatient expected. This will help in strategic planning to determine the number of service facilities needed to accommodate patients and future anticipated profits. This measures will also aid predict demand and hence level of marketing e.g. advertising required. Therefore, using quality and effectiveness as measures of performance, the management can be able to determine number of staff required. For instance, the physicians working at Twin Rivers Community Hospital will have to be employed full time to attend to patients at the hospital. Either these measures will help management determine level of patient satisfaction and the level of competition from St Francis, which is major rival offering similar services with high performance percentages e.g. in cardiovascular

Sunday, September 22, 2019

Family Health Assessment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words - 2

Family Health Assessment - Essay Example Mother on the other hand stays at home and performs daily household chores i.e. cleaning, washing and cooking meals etc. the eldest son who studies in college also is a secondary provider of the family by working part time in a local restaurant whereas two younger members of the family have no specified roles but they go to school only. All the members of the family are perfectly healthy with no physiological or psychological diseases to affect the normal functioning of the family. The family lives in a well-ventilated house of 4 rooms with 3 rooms taken by the children and one shared by their parents. All the rooms are properly ventilated and with basic necessities e.g. sanitation and electricity provided. The house is located in a moderate area with clean environment and no signs of waste deposits or litter near the area. From financial point of view, the family’s primary provider earns enough to support the family and added income by the eldest son makes things easier for them by providing the family with the ability to spend on their needs as well as save some money for the time of need. With no financial problems, no diseases in the family, no stress and anxiety, the family members have been able to perform their appropriate tasks properly and without any difficulties or hurdles. Mentioned by the father, the eldest son while in his teenage had some issues with the parents but considering it a problem of growing teenagers that did not create any str ess in the family since they sat together and solved the problems by talking them out. The family is in the developing stage and has been coping well with this stage like they did with the previous stages i.e. parental years and expanding stage (White, 1991). All the members of the family understand their roles that they are supposed to perform in the family considering they live together and they have to live in harmony and support each other at the time of

Saturday, September 21, 2019

Personal Development Essay Example for Free

Personal Development Essay I have been employed as care worker with my Company, for the last 4 years. Upon joining the Company, I received an induction, which covered guidance and training, in areas applicable for my role. I also received a job description, which informed me of what I was expected to do within my role. When I first started working here, I had no previous experience as a carer, so I found the induction very informative, to support my role, and responsibilities. It informed me of the organisational policies and procedures, which I had to sign, to say I had read and understood their contents. My induction training also made me aware of the legislation that relates to my role, and the GSCC code of practice, that all social care workers must work to. The General Social Care Council,(GSCC) is the social care workforce regulator in England and their job is to regulate the conduct and training of the care workforce. As a care employee, I am required to abide by the code of practice as defined by the GSCC. see more:explain what reflective practice is This code states that I should: * Protect the rights and promote the interests of service users and carers * Strive to establish and maintain the trust and confidence of service users and carers * Promote the independence of service users while protecting them as far as possible form danger and harm * Respect the rights of service users while seeking to ensure that their behaviour does not harm themselves or other people * Uphold public trust and confidence in social care services * Be accountable for their practice and take responsibility for maintaining and improving their knowledge and skills. During my induction period with the company, I received regular supervision with my line- manager, who assessed my progress, and competence to perform my role. When my induction period ended, my supervision then took/takes place every 3 months. My supervision covers:- * All aspects of my practice * My career development needs * My reflections on training I have attended recently, progress with my NVQ or other qualifications * Information about the policy and procedures in my organisation. * Constructive feedback on my service delivery. My supervision is always held in a confidential setting, between myself and my Manager. My Manager records details of what has been discussed, targets identified, and achievement target dates to be met by me and my Manager. This is my personal development plan, and helps me to record training received, training identified, and knowledge gained. My supervision is my opportunity to discuss issues I am concerned about. Sometimes prior to my supervision, I write down notes on issues I want to raise, so that I do not forget whilst in my supervision. I also receive appraisal (performance review), meetings with my manager, these are usually once a year. This is a review of my performance, summarising what I think I have achieved, and what my manager thinks I have achieved over the last 12 months. I discuss my training record and identify what my Personal Development Plan will be for the next 12 months. I also agree some personal objectives or targets for me to achieve before my next appraisal. Other colleagues I work with may have been asked for their opinions on my work as well. As a care worker I must be accountable for the quality of my work and take responsibility for maintaining and improving my knowledge and skills. This means I identify mandatory training I may need, and refresher courses, to keep my knowledge up to date, and so meet the current care standards. I also receive training from observing more experienced colleagues, who can teach me ‘on the job’ techniques. This is ‘informal’ training, but is most beneficial, along with ‘formal’ training courses I attend. All training helps to improve my service delivery, and enables me to use recommended safe practice in my working role. I can develop my knowledge, skills, and understanding by: * Identifying the knowledge, skills and standards required for my job role. * Reflecting on my practice, and making improvements on previous practice. * Receiving constructive feedback from my manager, and colleagues. * Undertake learning activities that inform my working practice. * Put new skills that I have learned into practice. I attend regular staff meetings, where staff members can discuss service users in a confidential setting. This is good practice as it provides a platform for staff to share their experiences, and gain moral support and advice from colleagues. My employer also provides a counselling service for staff members, due to the ‘pressures’, of the role. I can ask my Manager for this service if I feel work pressures are too much, and my Manager and organisation will support me. If I have a work related problem, I can approach my supervisor, and line manager for support. I feel comfortable in doing this, as I am confident that they will address my issues, and help me to resolve them. I have the opportunity to develop in my role, as my employer arranges regular ‘in-house’, training opportunities. My employer has also encouraged me to undertake my NVQ qualification, and has allowed me ‘paid’ time for study. My employer advertises job vacancies internally, and I have been encouraged to apply for more ‘senior’ positions, for my career progression.

Friday, September 20, 2019

Sound In Casablanca | Analysis

Sound In Casablanca | Analysis One of the first known movies, Casablanca, was acted by Humphrey Bogart, Ingrid Bergman and Paul Henreid, directed by Michael Curtiz. The music of this movie was made by Max Steiner. The sound is one of the important components in the movie because it shows the emotions of the actors as it also shows the importance of the scene. Moreover, the spoken language must be one important thing that the editor must focus on because it shows the culture of the country where the story-plot of the movie is happening. This movie tells a story of a man, Humphrey Bogart, who is trying to help the woman that he loved before by making her escape from Casablanca with her husband and continue the fight against the Nazis oppression. This movie has different sound effects, dialogues and musical tones. Firstly, sound effects in movie are some effects like rain and crashes that are added to complete the sense that is created by the camera, so the audience will be able to understand the scene in detail. In this movie, there are a lot of sound effects that are added. The producer used the rain in the scene where Ingrid was leaving with her husband and he used also in the beginning where she and Humphrey were running from the guards. The rain in these scenes gives a sense to the audience about the sadness and torture that the actors are feeling. Moreover, some scenes of this movie have some fastened dialogues. The fastened dialogues are usually used to give the sense to the dialogue how much it is important and urgent. Also, there are many tones used in this movie used by different characters. For example, in the end of the movie, we see that Humphrey and the police man are using a quiet and slow tone. This means that both of them are comfortable and happy with what just happened. In t he scene before, we can see that the police man had other feelings by his tone. It was faster and with high volumes which show the anger of the police man. Another example, Humphrey was using the low tone during the whole movie which shows his real personality. He is kind of calm and doesnt show his emotions to the people surrounding him. On the other hand, Ingrid is the kind of women who gets stressed after a serious action happens. All of this is known from the tones that differ from a low to a high pitch. From here, we would have covered the sound effects that are included in the movie with different characters. Secondly, one of the most important effects that is used in every movie and gives it more creativity, the music; is used many times in the movie with many different types of songs that differ according to the type of the scene. In the introduction of the movie, we see that the music producer was using the low tone music according to the simple life that he was describing, and suddenly, he changed to high tone music when the police started making the chase. After finishing the chase, he changed it back to a low tone pitch. This means that he was making the music according to the importance of the scene and what it is describing. Basically, he wants to emphasize the importance of the scene as to how serious the Nazis are with the unconditional assistance of the French when they are to apprehend suspicious characters in the movie. A particular song, that has been played in the movie which is Knock on Wood by M.K. Jerome symbolizes a group chore song, where everyone takes part in singing . The owner of the Cafà ©, whom is played by Humphrey Bogart stage name as Rick, chose the right time and place to hide the transit letters under the song notes on the piano table, while Sam and the customers were singing in sync. In addition, Rick believed that Sams piano, is the only safe place to put the transit documents as he knows that the French and the Nazis are going to do whatever it takes to locate these transit documents. One important scene, that spurred a wait in many characters in the film, as they await the coming of Victor Laszlo Paul Henreid and his wife Ilsa Lund Ingrid Bergman, as they pass by Sams Piano, Sam plays in a low tune as he remembers the face of Ilsa whom is an ex-lover to Rick , the owner of the Cafà ©. This tells the audience that there might be a clash of old memories between Rick and Elsa, thus Sam looks the other way and gets back to the high toned music that he usually plays. One of the best scenes, that I admired is when Ilsa, called Sam the p ianist; to come to the table and play for her one of the oldest love songs of all time which is known as As Time Goes By by Frank Sinatra. This song triggered great memories between Rick and Ilsa while they were together in Paris. This tells the audience, what a sentimental moment this is and this song fits right in as the lyrics provide an overview of their relationship while they were in Paris. In between the love scene memories that Rick and Ilsa are in, we can see that the only driver that broke apart those two lovers was the rumor that Victor Laszlo is alive. This important figure turns out to be Ilsas husband whom was sentenced to a German concentration camp while she was in love with Rick in Paris. The sound effects in this scene, alerts us as to how the German war mechanisms are rushing towards their target as they are coming to take over France starting with the capitol and expanding abroad. This shows the audience how fearsome the Germans are. Another example, at the end o f the movie, he used high volume music with the fast kinetics of the characters. This shows how they are worried and want to arrive as fast as they can. After that, when Ingrid and her husband escaped by the airplane and Humphrey started talking with the police man, he used a romantic song. This song shows us how they are happy by this end and hoping for the best in the future. Furthermore, in the scene where the couples were having a cup of coffee, there was no music at all, and then suddenly, a medium level song started with the scene that showed the reaction of the people. This song actually shows how the people are shocked by the air plane hovering Casablanca and its importance for them as to find exit visas to get out of Casablanca and get to America. The editor also used another type of music, the music that he used was sung by the actors. This kind of music gives the movie more reality. He used this type of music in the scene where the French and Nazi soldiers were singing th eir national anthem. Through this scene, the audience understands what at stake, hope, love and fight for our country against the Nazi Oppression. Furthermore, in the scene, you see how the Germans were silenced as the crowd grew larger for the French cause and Victor Laszlos stage figure made the Germans more angry as they felt intimidated by his patriotic actions and gathering a number of people to stand against the Nazis. In this case, we can see that this type of music shows the emotions of the actors and how they are devoted towards their cause. Finally, at the last moments before the ending the film, when Victor and his wife Ilsa were fleeing to Lisbon via the transit documents provided by Rick, we can hear a high pitch volume, showing the intensity of the situation as the German Major Strasser is speeding to reach the airport to stop the plane from going airborne. In addition, while the couple was heading to the plane we can hear in the background As Time Goes By in a low ton e. By this, we would have discussed the music of this movie with its different tones that made it more interesting. Thirdly, every movie has its own language that represents the culture of that place. Some movies use different languages according to mixture of the cultures in the movie. In this movie the editor used only English which is one of disadvantages in this movie. He was supposed to use some French when the French soldiers are talking with each other. Furthermore, the spoken language that is used in the street must be Arab because the original people are Arab and most of them are working in the coffee shops and markets. There was only one scene where we have seen the people using their native language. This scene is when the two parts started singing their own anthem. In this case, it is logical to use those languages because a national anthem must be sung in this way or it will destroy the culture of that country. From these examples, we can see that the editor was not able to achieve the goal of using the languages in their place. Finally, we can that the movie was able to describe the emotions of the people in many scenes with different types of sounds. He used sound effects to add them to the scenes, so it will be able to show the emotions and feelings without making any disturbance to the audience. Moreover, he used music that is more important because it make the audience expect what is going to happen next and also describe the importance of that scene in the movie. Also, there is the spoken language that was not used by the writer in an appropriate way because he used only English which is not used in that place at that time. By this, we can see that Casablanca can be classified as one of greatest movies of all time due to its sound effects, spoken dialogue and musical features that made it one of the best movies of all times.

Thursday, September 19, 2019

Hamlets Relationships Essay -- essays research papers

In William Shakespeare's Hamlet, the character of Hamlet has many relationships with all characters. The theme human relationships is very strong in this play. A human relationship is a logical or natural association between two or more people. Hamlet has many of these associations with King Hamlet's Ghost, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia, Polonius, Horatio, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern. Many of his relationships are just and unjust according to the character's flaws and feelings. The ghost of King Hamlet played an important role during the book. The first interaction between King Hamlet's Ghost can be simply called extreme. Hamlet is extreme when he goes with the ghost that looks like his father even though his friends warn him that the ghost may be evil and ". . .tempt you toward the flood . . . Or to the dreadful summit of the cliff . . ." (Act 1, Scene IV, Lines 69-70). If the prince was thinking right he would not have gone with the ghost that resembled the old ". . . King, father, royal Dane . . ." (Act 1, Scene IV, Line 45) Hamlet's radical actions let him find out about Claudius' devious murder of his brother, King Hamlet . The ghost of King Hamlet has described Claudius as "...that incestuous, that adulterate beast" (Act 1, Scene V, Line 43). King Hamlet wants Hamlet to get revenge against Claudius for killing him, but he does not want Gertrude to get hurt while this is going on. Hamlet therefore delays in killing Cl audius because he needs to find out if his mother has anything to do with the treachery. Hamlet took this relationship cautiously and did this correctly because ghosts were thought as underhandedly evil. The relationship between Hamlet and Gertrude is interpreted as the Oedipus complex. The Oedipus complex refers to the thoughts some men have regarding their mother or maternal figures. Many scenes from the play can prove Hamlet did have these thoughts about his mother, such as acts one and three. Gertrude's fondness and helpfulness to protect her son is also displayed throughout the play. This can be seen in the play many times, even up to when Gertrude is about to die. She tries to save Hamlet from drinking the poison himself. Also when Hamlet tries to get Gertrude to believe him that Claudius killed King Hamlet, she thin... ... breath with your mouth,". (Act 3, Scene II, Lines 348-349) As the play continues Hamlet is sent off to England with Rosencrantz and Guildenstern for him to pay for his crimes. Hamlet finding the letter to England changes it to say kill the possessors of the letter. Hamlet on the way to England gets supposedly kidnapped by pirates, while Rosencrantz and Guildenstern go to England and get executed. Hamlet felt they got what they deserved when they followed out the king's plan of action. With all of the corruption and back stabbing in Denmark, Hamlet thought out every decision with great intelligence. Hamlet's human relationships with the ghost, Gertrude, Claudius, Ophelia, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were all very just and deserving. As Hamlet finds out they all contain lies and have hidden intentions within them. Hamlet's blinding rage against Polonius was very hurtful and unjust. Hamlet's friend, Horatio, was his only true friend and he helped Hamlet until the end. As Marcellus said it best, "Something is rotten in Denmark." (Act 1, Scene 4, Line 90) That being the lies, which have replaced or covered the true state of each character.

Wednesday, September 18, 2019

The True Tragic Hero of Creon in Sophocles Antigone Essay -- Papers S

The True Tragic Hero of Creon in Sophocles' Antigone There has always been a great debate over who is the true tragic hero in Sophocles' Antigone. Many scholars would stake claim to Antigone possessing all the necessary characteristics of a true tragic hero, but many others would argue that Creon holds many qualities as well. It is hard to discount Antigone as a tragic hero, because in fact, the play bears her name, but from careful reading, Creon meets Aristotle's criteria exactly and fits perfectly into the role. In order to determine whether or not Creon is the true tragic hero, one must answer the question: 'What is a Tragic Hero?' In Aristotle's Poetics, he discusses the basic criteria regarding a tragic hero. Aristotle states that tragic heroes must have a 'high' status or social position; characters must not be perfect, although, the character is pre-eminently good; they must have a single flaw that brings about their own demise and that of the others around them. Aristotle also mentions another quality of a tragic hero , which is that the character arouses pity in the audience usually because the punishment exceeds the crime and the hero is alive to face his suffering in order to achieve some self-recognition. After reviewing all these critera, it should be clear that Creon is the true tragic hero. First, Aristotle suggests that a tragic hero must occupy a ?high? status position, but must also possess nobility and virtue as part of the hero's character. Creon fits this description quite accurately. At the beginning of the play; in the Time and Scene section, it says that, ?Creon, is now king of Thebes.? This quote shows that he occupies a strong status position and stature of nobility. Creon also pro... ...h ruler and should be punished in the same matter that he ruled. Creon made a choice, a choice he thought was the right one. It turned out that this choice warranted an unjustly punishment. Creon?s punishment exceeds the crime; is one who has excessive pride and arrogance, like many of us, to suffer a lonely and hated life? Should we pity him? Creon fits all of Aristotle?s criteria to perfection. He is a good king with a high stature, although he is not perfect in his actions. The excessive pride sets the stage for his major flaw. This pride leads to his downfall and that of his family. Creon reaches a period of recognition for his actions. Lastly, his punishment was overly harsh compared to his crime. According to Aristotle, Creon is a striking match to fit the role of a tragic hero. Works Cited: Sophocles. Antigone. Trans. D. W. Myatt. 1994.

Tuesday, September 17, 2019

ISO 9000 :: Business Companies Essays

ISO 9000 Introduction In order to stay competitive, businesses have to be the best at what they do. Company's must be efficient and presise in all aspects of the job. (Metcalfe 1). ISO 9000 is made up of management's responsibility, the producers involved in the Quality Management System, the contract review, the design control, document and data control, purchasing, process control, inspection and testing, control of non-conforming product, corrective action, handling, storage, packaging and delivery, internal quality audits, training, servicing and statistical techniques (Prasanna 1). Quality control and quality assurance is very important there are certain requirements that take time and money to be met but in the end there are benefits. Types of specifications are very significant and the documentation of those is even more. Manufacturers and purchasers have major responsibility in the process of being successful. The quality of a product is so important, especially to the customer. A company's quali ty management system must become the documented proof of a firm's commitment to quality management. A plan put together with quality procedures and work instructions is provided to help companies design their own quality management system. After completing the quality procedures, companies are audited and then determined if they should be certified for ISO 9000 or not (Parsanna 2). ISO: International Organization of Standards Founded in 1947 in Geneva Switzerland, ISO developed international standards and helped exchange goods and services worldwide. It is made up of over 90 countries including the US, which is called the American National Standards Institute. The name ISO came from the Greek word, "isos," meaning equal (Henkoff 2). ISO was created by business men (Henkoff 2). These business men knew what businesses needed to become more competitive and how they could get higher customer satisfaction, so ISO was developed. ISO is not government regulated, but is ran by organizations like the US Registrar Accreditation Board. Such organizations authorize registrars which issue ISO certificates (Barrier 2). In Europe some organizations are government regulated. The American National Standards Institute runs the ISO in the US and authorizes the US Registrar Accreditation Board (Barrier 2). ISO's job is to set standards for companies all over the world so that their products come out efficiently and to the best quality. This helps the customers who receive the exports know exactly what they are getting and are satisfied with the product. Setting these standards is done by ISO members at assembly meetings.

Monday, September 16, 2019

Quality Management Assessment Summary Essay

The health care quality management responsibilities are to evaluate care that is provided to patients and make sure that these patients receive quality health services. The quality management helps give understanding and awareness to the organization policies and goals. Having risk management in the organization helps reduce any potential of negative impacts that could be placed on any of the patients’, staff and also the organization itself. In hospitals this is a challenging and complex process which payers and participants require that health organization should engage in efforts to evaluate the validity ensure their relevance in quality. One of the basic concepts of quality management is continuous quality improvement which is forever ongoing effort to enhance improvements or process of approach. Throughout time you will use a cycle step develop with a plan by identifying what needs to be changed and establishing a plan, then you have the action of do which is putting the plan to work by implementing the new changes, the other concept is check use data to analyze results and try to see if it made a difference, lastly is act upon plan. The term is interchangeable also called continual improvement and continuous improvement. Another concept of quality management is called total quality management takes a look at overall quality, the design and development which is what the continuous quality management does. Total quality management job is to make sure that they customer expectations of service are met with high quality. Total quality management are associated with the production requirements, creation of plans, prevention of cost and training preparation of the process put in place. All the names of how they address quality management just depends on the industry which makes the name vary from one organization to the next but all means the same thing. The performance management is different because this is a continuous process of communication and clarifying one’s job responsibilities, priorities, to make sure there is mutual understanding between the supervisor and employee. A performance management encourages development and feedback also fosters teamwork among the employees, resolves performance problems, recognizes quality performance and provides decisions on promotions and pay for performance. The performance improvement is somewhat similar to performance anagement because both descriptions implementing interventions for improvements, identifying the problem, encourage employees, offers feedback about performance, educate about job expectations, and offers incentives for performance. Where I work at the hospital we use quality management and they help by reviewing policies and procedures for the organization and for each department. Monthly meetings with the quality management to make us aware of the feedback they get about the quality of service or if they are educating us on new change. Over the years the hospital sets new goals to achieve and want to eliminate poor performance, unnecessary readmissions that cause a financial burden on the organization, so the new implementation of principles will help everyone make this happen. The hospital would like to offer the patients larger role in their health, treatment and hospital experience. The long term goal is to be an anchor of health in the community that helps improves the access, quality, lower cost, and efficiency. We utilize case managers to evaluate admissions to prevent costliest episodes of care which is that unnecessary readmission; this is a short term goal which will not take long to revise. This is informing this team that they are decision makers and this requires the team to help organize what the appropriate protocol is for unnecessary readmission. Another long term goal is the communication across the board for the continuum of care should be improved and need to be building a foundation to help one another coordinate care. Short term goal the hospital needs to rely in a shared belief in evidence based medicine. If there is a protocol in place but the provider detours and does something that they know will work this is information that will need to be shared and documented, to help quality management review and could possibly make revisions in the protocol. This is a plus if we can see patients benefit from this evidence based medicine, and if it is not reported than this means everyone is doing their own thing and not sharing the information to get everyone on the same page. Past experiences impact decisions making and can be positive result because the avoidance is making same decisions as before. External and Internal influence in marketing, health quality initiatives have a huge impact on the hospital. Influence is through developing the right supportive culture, attracting and keeping the right employees to promote quality, updating an in house quality process and furnishing the right tools to their jobs. Having high quality comes from physicians, nurses, administrators and ancillary staff to give high quality care and have effective improvements in order to be successful. It is everyone job to be a team player and participate in helping the hospital achieve the goals. The right supportive culture reflects good leadership and involvement with the hospital by reporting performance indicators, improvements proofs by results, and also promoting a safe environment for everyone. If you don’t have the right support staff then the hospital will be incompliant facing many fines for violations. Developing effective in house outcomes and cost shows the quality of the hospital. This part of the hospital is trained to facilitate the problem solving process with physicians and other employees. Effective problem solving leads to evidence based on the protocols put in place to enhance efficiencies for instance reduce turnaround time in the emergency room or turn around time for test results. The negative impact of this not being successful is that it could ruin the hospital reputation; word of mouth is why majority of the patients’ come. It is very important that the staff of the hospital has the right tools to do their jobs this allows all staff to give high quality care on daily basis and will help identify problems when they do surface, being that the right tools will not be one of them. Not having the right supplies could cause some safety problems with patient care and environmental which could lead to many lawsuits. All hospitals want to improve the quality of care and patient safety because they are taking on the challenge to move forth. What distinguishes the hospital from others is that addressing the issue is not the only thing that needs to be done but back up what is implemented with concrete actions and research more deeply to identify the root causes, providing a solution and being accountable for it. The fundamental qualities which are important and implemented are data quality assessment, data quality measurements and operation data quality improvements. The data quality assessment is the information needed when treating patients and physicians have been made aware of poor data quality ffects the hospitals operation. By quantifying the gap in the value the practitioner can review and determine a cost effective and also the speed the quality improvements. For instance, when a package that was intended for someone else goes to the wrong address that increases mailing and shipping cost because of the incorrect address. Data quality measurements are the results from the data quality assessment in which the data quality analysts synthesize that information and also concentrate on the elements. This is reported with a scorecard showing units of measures and thresholds for example, with the packing going to the incorrect address this can be defined by using quality validation rules for the each address and the information can be all gathered of all incorrect addresses in the system to show why the increase cost. Operational data quality improvement is used to identify data quality rules and this is approved through data stewardship procedure. Clinical and administrators get assistance from both quality management and risk management to improve clinical practice and organization systems. Risk management and quality management collaboration will improve patient overall care, improving external compliance, shielding the hospital from all other risk. Risk management can ensure a flow of information between staff, departments to get better results on patient care also keeping in mind protecting hospital from any exposure of statutes. The unity of risk management and quality management the hospital will benefit and enhance patient safety and minimize the harm of the patient. There will be less duplication, improve communication, coordination of activities through the organizational policy.

Sunday, September 15, 2019

EKATO Organization Essay

A team is a formal work group whose members work internally with each other to achieve a common objective. A self-managed team is a small group of employees responsible for an entire work process, improve their operation or product, plan their work, resolve day-to-day problems, and manage  themselves. U. S companies including Ford Motor company, Digital Equipment and Boeing report many positive benefits from their experience with self-managed teams including higher productivity, improved quality and lower turnover. Team Development and Evolution EXATO vision it self as a services organization involve in providing solutions for mixing problems, rather than just designing and manufacturing of mixing machines. EKATO objective was to design a flexible and optimized production facility at a realistic cost, while creating an attractive environment to foster innovation. Therefore the new building was designed to support a cell-based, self-managing culture. Before the change to self managing culture, an extensive consultation and participation programme was conducted. This was based around people, process, technological and architectural strategies. A planning groups consisting of both workers and representatives of the workers’ council was formed to discuss any affect on employees due to those changes. The plan is to have 3 person groups. Wide-ranging internal information was made available to employees to support the new-managing, self-optimising approach in EKATO. With self managing teams approach brought good results; The new decentralised system amortized itself within the first 2 years operation Throughput times were reduced by 50% Inventories fell by 50% Spare parts stores reduced by one-third Machine cost fell Changes to plans reduced by 40% Obtaining information and passing it on cost reduced due to its availability and the easy communication Double time work was eliminated Due to the amount of coordination between that large no. of cells, the company reformed the cells into 8-9 persons instead of 3 allocated to three major manufacturing areas responsible for drives, shafts and impellers. Each manufacturing area has a leader who is responsible of that production group. Conclusion Teams can supply the competitive edge. Group pressures can have influence over individual’s behavior. The basic philosophy is â€Å"Entrusting employees with responsibility assures highest quality standards and low costs to the customer’s advantage†. 2. Evaluate the contribution that an effective HRM operation makes to the organization? Maximizing the effectiveness of the human assets of an enterprise is critical. HRM strategies vary from one company to another but provide similar services to the organization. – In EKATO, the HR is decentralized by making the department managers to be responsible for their staff finance and HR matters especially the appraisal and performance. – HRM includes a variety of activities, the key is deciding what staffing needs you have and whether to use independent contractors or hire employees to fill these needs. In EKATO hiring decision vital since staff composition  determines whether the firm has the necessary creativity skills and attitudes. EKATO maintains relationship with universities that specialised in process and involve this expertise on specific assignment. This open doors for universities students to work with the company after they finish their studies and be part of the organisation. – Attracting new employees by rotating them through different sections of the company for few months including assembly to gain the hand on experience in the entire company and be multi skilled. – Improving employees’ skills by providing extensive training programme to allow them to improve the productivity and have high quality performance. EKATO Team skills were improved through training before and after the move to the cell structure, to allow workers to be multi skilled and able to rotate roles to some extent. Coaching assisted individuals in personally adapting to working in teams on day-to day basis. Group members were trained in conflict resolution, problem solving, interpersonal relationship skills, team roles, group dynamics and decision making, as well as setting goals and priorities. – The typically objective of the HR is to provide an atmosphere in which all employees can perform their jobs to the best of their abilities and creatively contribute to the organization. EKATO retains its people by providing interesting work environment. Working there is relatively challenging because employees need to keep up development by attending seminars and read to stay current and keep up with fast technology. It is easier to make the job interesting for R&D staff than sales people. – They motivate their employee by adjusting the reward system to include an individual bonus for works contribution and the group productivity which encourage workers to work as a team to achieve individual goals. Re-training some employees who resisting the new change of the company to be self managing and group process. In addition, human resources management includes 15 methods to improve competitive advantage. 1. Working security: organization gives employees a long-term contract. 2. Carefully interview: managers should be carefully choosing excellent employee. 3. High salary: the salary is higher than another competitor at least. 4. Appropriate compensation: every month choose the excellent employee and give reward. 5. Employee ownership: provide stock of organization or share in project of profit. 6. The salary concentrating: Narrow the degree of the difference of the salary among employees. 7. Participate in management: let lower level employees join management. 8. Term work and working design 9. Symbolic equality principle: treat all employees equally. 10. Internal upgrade: through upgrade a lower level employee to higher position 11. Measurement practicing: Organization should measure employee attitude, different of the scheme and spirit of creation and ability of employee performance level. Notes: Introducing new technology such as expert system to help the company to manage and share solutions and knowledge, thereby reducing duplication. 3. Discuss the extent to which leaders at EKATO have attempted to change the organisation’s culture? Culture represents the unwritten feeling part of the organization. It refers to the set of values, beliefs, norms, attitudes, assumptions, and understandings shared by all members of the organization. It also defines the basic organizational values and communicates to the new members joining the organization the correct ways to think and act, and how things taught to be done. An understanding of organizational culture helps organizations respond and adapt to external environment by changing and solving internal problems. EKATO is a family owned enterprise. The founder Todtenhaupt was very technically oriented and has excellent relationship with his works and people in the chemical industry. The founder passed the organisation culture to his sons. But his sons changed the culture by bringing in an outsider Mr. Zeiler as CEO/President. The CEO, Mr. Zeiler believes that the leadership has to do with the personality style, values and assumptions. The CEO concentrated on the company internal matters and problems. With his sales background, he changed the company from role oriented i.e. bureaucratic to self managing culture. He focused on his workers by delegating responsibility to them and empowering skilled employees. He implemented the trust and openness culture within the organisation by allowing staff to learn from mistakes. To prevent classical labour problem, the CEO implemented communication and sharing the information culture by having open discussion on the company’s numbers, problems and goals. This is done by having two annual meetings between management and employees where the workers council and the CEO report to the staff. Beside that, top managers meet weekly and senior managers engage in cross-functional weekly problem solving meetings. Top management set the company plan and individual departments’ goals. These  goals are communicated to departments’ managers and then discussed within department staff. Senior mangers then meet quarterly to discuss the direction and review the strategy and areas of innovation. Each department manager is required to present results, costs and innovation capability. The outcome of these meetings are fed back to top management and then shared with staff. Hence, the spreading nature of culture will have an effect on organizational processes such as decision making, design of structure, group behaviour, work organization, and motivation and job satisfaction. Management interest in organizational culture to improve performance and increase competition. It is developed and manifests itself in different ways in different organizations, therefore, it is not possible to say that one culture is better than the other. Hence, there is no such thing as an ideal culture, only an appropriate culture.

Habit, Moral Character and Politics

According to Moore and Bruder (2005), our unique and distinctive capacity to reason was termed by Aristotle as virtue. There are two kinds of virtue – when we study or exercise our reasoning abilities, we are said to be intellectually virtuous. When we use our reasoning to moderate our impulses and appetites, we are said to be morally virtuous. According to Aristotle, virtue (whether intellectual or moral) is a matter of habit. Meaning, your moral character (or moral virtuousness) is based on your habits.What you do always (habit) will mold your character. For example, ever since I was young, my mother always taught us to give to the less fortunate (not necessarily money, food and neglected toys will do). Honestly, I was really not into it but I’d rather be forced to give something than look at the stern face of my mom. Hehe! Thus, giving eventually became a habit to me. And I must say, that habit help built the generous and helpful character that I have today. As for m oral character and politics, we must first talk about moral judgments.Moore and Bruder said that many moral judgments are also political judgments. For example: â€Å"Is it justifiable for a government to restrict its citizens’ liberty? † or â€Å"When, if ever, is fine and imprisonment legitimate? † Thus, to make right political judgments, a politician must have a strong moral character from which to draw his decision that will affect the state’s citizens. Both Plato and Aristotle believed that the state is a living being that has a purpose. To Aristotle, its purpose is to promote good life (happiness) for humans.A state politician must then have a strong moral character (or the political will) to do what is morally right to uphold the good life for the state’s citizens. Aristotle also said that a good politician or lawmaker will seek a political order where the citizens will develop the morally right (best) habits from which they will develop the ir own moral characters. All told, if you want a leader to advocate what is morally right for the citizens, then that leader should have a good moral character. Reference Moore B. & Bruder, K. (2005). Philosophy: The Power of Ideas. USA: The McGraw-Hills Companies.

Saturday, September 14, 2019

Bao Viet Insurance

Bao Viet is one of the most popular insurance company in Vietnam. It was established in 1964. With a strong and prestigious trademark in insurance industry and a network throughout 64 provinces nationwide, Bao Viet has become the leading financial-insurance group in Vietnam. In 2007, Bao Viet launched its Initial Public Offering and became a multi-business financial group. I.The mission, values and objectives of Bao Viet enterprise and the influences of stakeholders: To have a successful business, all companies have to have their own strategies. The first element is that the firm has to show the answer for the question â€Å"why do we exist?† or â€Å"what do we want to become?†. In other words, each company must have their missions or visions which are considered as a magnetic needle for all the people of company such as manager, workers or officers, etc to follow up. As a result, Bao Viet also has their own vision: â€Å"Bao Viet's vision is to be o-ne of the leading financial groups in Vietnam in life and non-life insurance, investment, securities and other financial services† (Anon., 2008). To achieve this mission, the company wants to set up the high standard in every services that they undertake by innovations in productions and knowledge. In addition, by these activities, Bao Viet will also build up their reputation in Vietnam and have a long-term relationship with the customers, clients and business partners. All the enterprises need to identify their values which they can believe on it to secure their businesses. There are some values of Bao Viet for their goals and aims which is â€Å"innovation†, â€Å"growth† and â€Å"efficiency†. Principal of innovation for this company can be set up by receiving customers’ comments or feedbacks. After that, the company can renew their products or provide for customers a higher standard of service. Whilst, growth and efficiency can be assessed by basing on the business’s profits. For example, total revenue of the company in 1989 was VND 76 billion, after seven years, in 1996, this number increased rapidly at VND 970 billion. Bao Viet also should have some obvious objectives to follow. Bao Viet improves their standards of products and services to satisfy the demands of the clients and hope to have more customers and make more profits. For example, due to the success in the first six months of 2008, Bao Viet’s firm has their objective for the last six months: the business will strive to reach the total revenue of VND 3,150 billion in the whole of 2008. Next, the company should know and recognize the importance of stakeholders towards their business. There are three types of stakeholders. Firstly, we have internal stakeholders such as managers and employees who have immediate influences on the activities of the business. Managers will control all the management of the business, they decide to do or not a project so this position is very important for all the enterprises. Employees are also an major part of a business. They are the people who have the main influences on the success of a company. Employees join in the process of production directly, so if they are received high wages and bonuses to motivate them, the quality of products will improve enormously. On the other hand, if managers or employees do not do their works well, the business may get some loss of profits. The second one is connected stakeholders. Shareholders invest in the business in return of their dividends. In some cases, their investments can make them become the owners of the company if they have the largest ordinary shares of public limited company. In other words, shareholders can affect on the business by raising capital and even becoming the owners. Another part of connected stakeholders is banker who can lend the firm large amounts of cash to increase the capital. However, if the company does not make profits to repay their interest, bankers can confiscate the assets and make the enterprise go bankruptcy. Next, Suppliers who supply equipments for the company will expect to be paid and a long term relationship with suppliers can help the business to have more benefits. The last one is customers who need the products or services. For many enterprises, customers are people who decide what is produced or what price is charged. Their behaviors, feedbacks or complaints will influence on the success of the company directly. Thirdly, we have the external stakeholders. Government has a big position for the success of a business by making the laws and regulations which all the firms have to follow to do the businesses. Local authorities also can affect the business by changing local environment such as increase in road traffic. The next one is professional bodies, who want to ensure that the members of the company comply with professional ethics and standards, also affect the business. II.The extent to which Bao Viet company achieves the objectives of three stakeholders: For internal stakeholders such as managers, they are interested in the company’s continuation and growth. They also have some individual interests and goals, for example, a safe and comfortable working environment and skill and career development, etc. Therefore, to achieve the objectives of internal stakeholders, the company needs to increase the revenue and improve the standards of working environment. Bao Viet was held up in 1964, they have 43 years of foundation and growth. In some first years, their revenue only raised a little, turnovers at that time was VND 800,000 with total assets of VND 900,000 because they only served for some state-owned customers. Now, Bao Viet has widened their nationwide network and developed the business to overseas market. In addition, the income also increase enormously: Its investment income in 2003 reached VND 512 billion from a total portfolio of VND 8,114 billion. These great advances make the company become one of the biggest 25 enterprises in Vietnam. Moreover, on 31st May 2007, Bao Viet was listed on the stock market to sell their shares to the public. After this, the chartered capital of Bao Viet increased at VND 6,800 billion. Bao Viet has 40,000 dedicated agents and 5,000 employees with experienced experts and young, well-trained staff so this company always has a good environment for people to work. Bao Viet also achieves in the services for customers who represent for the connected stakeholders. Customers always want to receive the best products or services for their demands. They can complain or give comments to the business about the products and their satisfaction is very important for the company’s success. As a result, the firm always needs to listen to the customers’ opinions, this will make major influences on the new products or services in terms of quality or price. Firstly, Bao Viet strategy bases on the customer orientation which means the customers will become the centre of all activities. The company has taken over the feedback of customers and pay a large amount of money for the customers who bought their insurance. For example, Anh N of Vietnamnet (2004) said that Bao Viet had paid VND 1,000 billion for people who had got accidents or disasters in 2003. Bao Viet also issued more types of insurance such as personal insurance, river boat insurance or fishing boat insurance, etc to serve the customers’ demands. These types will help the customers in many careers to have more choices and make more benefits for the company. Secondly, because of a huge system of nationwide network over the country, Bao Viet has some difficulties to keep contacting with the clients in some parts of Vietnam. Therefore, the company decided to establish more offices and more officers to improve the quality of services for the customers : â€Å"Bao Viet Da Nang built four regional offices in Thanh Khe, Lien Chieu, Hoa Vang, Son Tra – Ngu Hanh Son and a line-up of 120 people who are willing to guide, provide insurance services for the clients everywhere at every time.† (Ha T., 2004). Moreover, Bao Viet associated with some company to develop the quality of services for the customers such as HSBC Vietnam company. By this communication, Bao Viet might provide products for their customers through branch houses of HSBC Vietnam company. Overall, Bao Viet is improving more and more their system of products and services to serve the customers. Besides the benefits for internal and connected stakeholders, Bao Viet also satisfies the requirement of government, an external stakeholder. Government has some main roles such as passing laws to protect workers and customers, collecting taxes or subsidizing activities, etc. Mr Hoan, Chief executive officer of Bao Viet headquarter stated that in 2003, Bao Viet paid VND 189 billion for the government, increased by 8.2% in comparison with the amount in 2002 (Anh N., 2004). Therefore, Bao Viet achieved the responsibility with the government. Meanwhile, the expansion of Bao Viet will increase the chances for people to have jobs, this activity will help the government to solve the problem of unemployment. In conclusion, Bao Viet succeed to achieve the objectives of all the stakeholders which includes internal stakeholder, connected stakeholder and external stakeholder. III.The responsibilities of the company and strategies employed to meet objectives of stakeholders: The first responsibility of the company is social responsibility. Bao Viet has some responsibilities for the government. For example, Bao Viet must pay tax for their income, in other words, the company must follow all the regulations and laws which the government have issued. Besides, they also make benefits for the local communities such as reducing the ratio of unemployed people in the area. Secondly, we have the ethics and business. Obeying the law is that the company must follow the laws and regulations to do the business. Furthermore, the company has to respect the rights of competitors. The firm has not to criticize or attack the rights of competitors or do everything which can harm the competitors. Business ethics also includes that the organization should protect the employees and consumer from danger of the business. In addition, the company also must not do some illegal activities such as bribery or gifts. The next one is the management responsibilities. The company should have good relationship with all their stakeholders. Now, Bao Viet has their IPO, so they will have more shareholders. In addition, the business has the responsibility to maximize the profits for shareholders. As a result, they will continue to invest in the company and the business will make more benefits. Second one is the employees who keeps the organization in operational existence. They contribute for the company by joining in the production directly so their position is also very important and they should be received a suitable treatment in terms of wages or salary, bonuses, etc. Moreover, the firm also should give the employees a coherent career and a training structure to make them become better and work more efficiently. Meanwhile, the company needs to make a good environment for workforce’s lifestyle and make a good condition for them to express all their talent. Next, I will talk about the responsibility for customers. For Bao Viet, the enterprise has to listen to every feedbacks of the customers, develop the quality of services and keep contacting with them to provide enough information which the customers want to know. For the suppliers, the firm must not delay payment or use the power unscrupulously. In addition, having a long-term relationship or giving new supplier the chance to win new business also makes benefits for both sides. The business also have some responsibilities for the competitors such as the laws of competition about fair trading, monopolies or mergers, etc. The last one is responsibilities for the Community. Each area has their own social and ethical values, so that the firm has to respect these values. Moreover, when the Community needs more capital to hold up an event or charity, the business also should sponsor for them. This way will also make benefits for the company because they have a chance to spread their brand. In addition, the last one is that the enterprise has to respond to complaints for local residents. In this part, I will give some strategies which Bao Viet has followed to meet the objectives of stakeholders. The first strategy is to become o ¬ne of the leading financial groups which has an ability of international competitiveness, providing a wide array of financial services from life and non-life insurance, securities, investment to financial services. This expansion will help the business to widen the market for more consumers. The second one is to become the corporation which is the most popular in Vietnam towards the customers. This strategy will be useful and important for a customer orientation company. Next, the company wants to â€Å"become an organization that can maintain and enhance the â€Å"Prestige† â€Å"Reputation† and â€Å"Honesty and Integrity†, having the â€Å"Loyalty† of customers, and BAOVIET members† (Business Environment textbook, 2008). All of the strategies are based on three gold principles of â€Å"innovation†, â€Å"growth† and â€Å"efficiency†. Reference

Friday, September 13, 2019

Auto biography Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Auto biography - Assignment Example Along with a growing interest in and knowledge of electronics, Dath has shown his capacity for business and entrepreneurial initiative as well. Joining White Castle in 2004, Dath has worked his way up to Assistant General Manager and has developed all along his Having a sense of clear vision and direction, Dath has made most out of his experience at White Castle. His decision to enhance his knowledge of aeronautics and electronics made a perfect sense given his earlier interests and development. Currently attending New York-based Vaughn College of Aeronautics and Technology, Dath streamlines his work and personal interests into a coherent career path. Vaughn’s vision and mission, moreover, only reflects Dath’s acumen for investment in skills, knowledge and experiences. Consistent to his continuous self-development, Dath has most recently (2009) received an A+ certification. Being trained at Vaughn as a pilot, flying remains Dath’s real passion. On global issues, Dath’s awareness of his chosen industry’s –i.e. aueronautics – implications for environment, has made his development of keen interest in green issues most evident in activities at Vaughn and

Thursday, September 12, 2019

A Conceptual Model of E-Business Coursework Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 22500 words

A Conceptual Model of E-Business - Coursework Example Considerable confusion exists in the literature concerning the various terminologies used to describe E-Business. Terms abound with vague descriptions having loose connections to existing management literature and even more cryptic relationships to evolving technology. Despite this, however, there is the relative consensus that the core components of E-Business are Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP), Supply Chain Management (SCM) and e-commerce. It is important to note that a business may not deploy every component or even attempt to link the three components. Some texts use the term 'enterprise Resource Management" or ERM as a comprehensive term meant to include all E-Business systems in one conceptual entity. It may, thus, be argued that these systems are distinctly different, serve specific functions and may or may not "add up" to a comprehensive organizational capability. Some texts use the term 'enterprise Resource Management" or ERM as a comprehensive term meant to include all E-Business systems in one conceptual entity. It may, thus, be argued that these systems are distinctly different, serve specific functions and may or may not "add up" to a comprehensive organizational capability. The objective of this research is to distinguish and develop a conceptual model of E-Business, on the one hand, and determine, or try to evaluate the potential social impact of e-business in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Within the context of the stated, it need be noted that legal strictures have inhibited the development of e-business in KSA but, these restrictions are gradually being lifted. It remains, however, important to emphasize that lack of an e-business presence in Saudi Arabia implies that, rather than evaluate the actual effect within the country of focus, the study will look towards theoretical and empirical studies on the social impact of e-business for the determination of potential, and probable, effect. The Internet has emerged as a key business medium for both large and small firms. Firms are increasingly using the Internet, the World Wide Web (WWW), and other web technologies1 to expand their markets, to conduct business transactions with customers and suppliers, and to enhance their competitive position.